This README outlines the steps to run individual components in the specified order using Atmos. The components are: VPC, S3, IAM, ECR, Athena, Network, ECS, and Route53. This assume the user has AWS account setup and all the relevant environment variables created.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following:
Atmos CLI installed.
AWS CLI configured with the necessary permissions.
A .secretenv
file with the required environment variables set.
Terraform installed.
Create a .secretenv file in your atmos
directory with the following content (replace placeholders with actual values):
All terraform commands must be run from atmos
directory. It is the root terraform folder.
Then run each Terraform component in the following order:
AWS_PROFILE=<profile_name> atmos terraform apply vpc -s stamzid-ue1-dev
AWS_PROFILE=<profile_name> atmos terraform apply s3 -s stamzid-ue1-dev
AWS_PROFILE=<profile_name> atmos terraform apply iam -s stamzid-ue1-dev
AWS_PROFILE=<profile_name> atmos terraform apply ecr -s stamzid-ue1-dev
At this point, go to superset
folder and export the following variables listed below:
REPO_URL=<ECR repo url, this should be populated from the output of ECR terraform run>
Once the export is complete, simply run the bash file: AWS_PROFILE=<profile_name> ./
This will build and push the image to ecr repor created with terraform.
AWS_PROFILE=<profile_name> atmos terraform apply athena -s stamzid-ue1-dev
AWS_PROFILE=<profile_name> atmos terraform apply network -s stamzid-ue1-dev
AWS_PROFILE=<profile_name> atmos terraform apply ecs -s stamzid-ue1-dev
AWS_PROFILE=<profile_name> atmos terraform apply route53 -s stamzid-ue1-dev
Once you login to superset with provided admin username and password, go through adding a new database addition flow from settings and generate the following url with proper values as SQLALCHEMY_URI
Schema name can be found from athena module outpute, it's the value of this glue_catalog_database_name
. The rest you should have access to generate a URL encoded URI. Once it's configured on dashboard we can start querying.
Ensure that each component is successfully applied before proceeding to the next one. Use the domain you generated as part of route53 run to access superset dashboard.
Verify that your AWS profile is correctly set up and has the necessary permissions to execute these commands.
The .secretenv file should be kept secure and not committed to version control systems.
This guide provides a structured approach to deploying your infrastructure components using Atmos and Terraform. Adjust the commands according to your specific AWS configuration and environment setup.
An sql script with some queries are saved under sql folder. Data folder contains a public csv file that is used for athena query testing.
Individual plan files for each terraform component can be found under atmos/plans