This is the command-line interface to the stamp protocol.
Hi, it looks like you're trying to install a distributed cryptographic identity system. Would you like help??
First, install rust 1.48+ and cargo. Then grab the core and the cli and build them:
mkdir stamp
cd stamp
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd cli
ln -s ./target/debug/cli stamp
Great, we're done!
Let's walk through a usage example. First, let's create our first identity:
$ ./stamp id new
This command walks you through creating a new identity. It should have also set your new identity as the default, so many of the following commands will "just work."
Let's look at our identity!
$ ./stamp id list
This lists all of your identities and also any imported identities from others. Now let's inspect the one your just created:
$ ./stamp id view <id>
This outputs your identity in human-readable format, giving you a big-picture view of how your identity fits together and what it looks like.
That's it for our stupid tutorial. Feel free to explore the stamp cli:
$ ./stamp help
This will list all available commands, and allows you to explore what stamp can do.
Check out the Stamp core readme, which gives a lot of background information on how the protocol works and how it can be used.