Precisely allows you to write precise assertions so you only test the behaviour you're really interested in. This makes it clearer to the reader what the expected behaviour is, and makes tests less brittle. This also allows better error messages to be generated when assertions fail. Inspired by Hamcrest.
For instance, suppose we want to make sure that a unique
function removes duplicates from a list.
We might write a test like so:
from precisely import assert_that, contains_exactly
def test_unique_removes_duplicates():
result = unique(["a", "a", "b", "a", "b"])
assert_that(result, contains_exactly("a", "b"))
The assertion will pass so long as result
contains "a"
and "b"
in any order,
but no other items.
Unlike, say, assert result == ["a", "b"]
, our assertion ignores the ordering of elements.
This is useful when:
- the ordering of the result is non-determistic, such as when using
. - the ordering isn't specified in the contract of
. If we assert a particular ordering, then we'd be testing the implementation rather than the contract. - the ordering is specified in the contract of
, but the ordering is tested in a separate test case.
When the assertion fails,
rather than just stating the two values weren't equal,
the error message will describe the failure in more detail.
For instance, if unique has the value ["a", "a", "b"]
we'd get the failure message:
Expected: iterable containing in any order: * 'a' * 'b' but: had extra elements: * 'a'
pip install precisely
Use assert_that(value, matcher)
to assert that a value satisfies a matcher.
Many matchers are composed of other matchers.
If they are given a value instead of a matcher,
then that value is wrapped in equal_to()
For instance, has_attrs(name="bob")
is equivalent to has_attrs(name=equal_to("bob"))
: matches a value if it is equal tovalue
: matches a value if it has the specified attributes. For instance:assert_that(result, has_attrs(id=is_a(int), name="bob"))
: matches an iterable if it has the same elements in any order. For instance:assert_that(result, contains_exactly("a", "b")) # Matches ["a", "b"] and ["b", "a"], # but not ["a", "a", "b"] nor ["a"] nor ["a", "b", "c"]
: matches an iterable if it has the same elements in the same order. For instance:assert_that(result, is_sequence("a", "b")) # Matches ["a", "b"] but not ["b", "a"]
: matches an iterable if it includes all of the elements. For instance:assert_that(result, includes("a", "b")) # Matches ["a", "b"], ["b", "a"] and ["a", "c", "b"] # but not ["a", "c"] nor ["a"]
: matches an iterable if every element matches matcher. For instance:assert_that(result, all_elements(equal_to(42))) # Matches [42], [42, 42, 42] and [] # but not [42, 43]
: matches a mapping, such as adict
, if it has the same keys with matching values. An error will be raised if the mapping is missing any keys, or has any extra keys. For instance:assert_that(result, is_mapping({ "a": equal_to(1), "b": equal_to(4), }))
: matches all values.is_instance(type)
: matches any value whereisinstance(value, type)
: matchers a value if all sub-matchers match. For instance:assert_that(result, all_of( is_instance(User), has_attrs(name="bob"), ))
: matchers a value if any sub-matcher matches. For instance:assert_that(result, any_of( equal_to("x=1, y=2"), equal_to("y=2, x=1"), ))
: negates a matcher. For instance:assert_that(result, not_(equal_to("hello")))
: matches a string if it starts withprefix
: matches a string if it containssubstring
: matches values greater thanvalue
: matches values greater than or equal tovalue
: matches values less thanvalue
: matches values less than or equal tovalue
.close_to(value, delta)
: matches values close tovalue
within a tolerance of +/-delta
.has_feature(name, extract, matcher)
: matchesvalue
. For instance:assert_that(result, has_feature("len", len, equal_to(2)))
For clarity, it often helps to extract the use of
into its own function:def has_len(matcher): return has_feature("len", len, matcher) assert_that(result, has_len(equal_to(2)))
: matchesvalue
raises an exception matched bymatcher
. For instance:assert_that(lambda: func("arg"), raises(is_instance(ValueError)))
PyHamcrest is another Python implemention of matchers. I prefer the error messages that this project produces, but feel free to judge for yourself:
# Precisely
from precisely import assert_that, is_sequence, has_attrs
User("bob", "[email protected]"),
User("jim", "[email protected]"),
has_attrs(username="bob", email_address="[email protected]"),
has_attrs(username="jim", email_address="[email protected]"),
# Expected: iterable containing in order:
# 0: attributes:
# * username: 'bob'
# * email_address: '[email protected]'
# 1: attributes:
# * username: 'jim'
# * email_address: '[email protected]'
# but: element at index 0 mismatched:
# * attribute email_address: was '[email protected]'
# Hamcrest
from hamcrest import assert_that, contains, has_properties
User("bob", "[email protected]"),
User("jim", "[email protected]"),
has_properties(username="bob", email_address="[email protected]"),
has_properties(username="jim", email_address="[email protected]"),
# Hamcrest error:
# Expected: a sequence containing [(an object with a property 'username' matching 'bob' and an object with a property 'email_address' matching '[email protected]'), (an object with a property 'username' matching 'jim' and an object with a property 'email_address' matching '[email protected]')]
# but: item 0: an object with a property 'email_address' matching '[email protected]' property 'email_address' was '[email protected]'