A wrapper for Meteor style synchronous TaxJar API calls.
salesTax : function () {
var taxJar = new TaxjarConnect("aa853bb5e5e1ae317487a63d0a3d59c8");
var rates = taxJar.sync('ratesForLocation', 90002);
return rates;
This package wraps the methods below. These are all the methods that are listed in the taxjar-node github documentation & the taxjar-website documentation.
- List tax categories
- Gets rates for location
taxJar.sync('ratesForLocation', 90002)
- Gets tax for an order
taxJar.sync('taxForOrder', params)
- Creates an order
taxJar.sync('createOrder', params)
- Update an order
taxJar.sync('updateOrder', params)
- Create a refund transaction
taxJar.sync('updateOrder', params)
- Update a refund transaction
taxJar.sync('updateOrder', params)