My solutions to AOC 2019 in OCaml + an IntCode debugger
> make
> aoc solve <puzzle number>
> aoc extra intdebug <source filename>
=== commands ===
run (r): Run program
step (s): Step forwards
print tape (pt): Print current content of tape (within 10 of ic)
print ic (pic): Print current ic
print rb (prb): Print current rb
print opcode (po): Print current opcode
print ics (pics): Print 10 most recent ic values
print rbs (prbs): Print 10 most recent rb values
backtrack (bt): Step backwards
parse (p): Parse opcode and print it to stdout
parse addr (paddr): Parse opcode at addr and print it to stdout
print addr (praddr): Print value at addr
eval (e): Evaluate opcode given on stdin
eval addr (eaddr): Evaluate opcode at addr
help (h): Display this message
> (...)