This project provides a Vagrant environment for demonstrating the process of upgrading Puppet code from Puppet 3 to Puppet 4 compatibility
Note: You need the vmware vagrant provider plugin to use vagrant with vmware.
vagrant plugin install oscar
: This will install theoscar
Vagrant plugin.
vagrant up pe-385-master
vagrant ssh pe-385-master
sudo /opt/puppet/bin/puppet preview \
--baseline-environment production \
--preview-environment future_production \
--migrate 3.8/4.0 \
--nodes /vagrant/nodes.txt \
--view overview-json | tee /vagrant/catalog_preview_overview-baseline.json
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/environments/production/modules/preview_report/preview_report.rb \
-f /vagrant/catalog_preview_overview-baseline.json \
-w /vagrant/preview_report.html