This script has morphed into a mirage of things. You can currently take a backup of your DNS, Pagerules, and Global Settings (excludes Firewall settings).
Format to run python script:
python -u <User_email> -T <api_token> --<argument_action> --<argument_optional>
python -u [email protected] -T XXXXXYYYYAAAABBBB --settings
^^Exports all zone settings into a json format ready to be applied to any zone
Argument Endpoints Supported: --all --dns --pagerules --settings
Additional Arguments Supported: --zoneId (Takes in 1 zoneId to backup) --zoneName (Takes in 1 zoneName to backup) --db (Will export to a SQLlite DB) --printzones (Will print out a list of your zoneNames and zoneIds) --write_csv (Currently only works for exporting settings)
Backup Management Wish List:
- take in arguments via config or commandline email - Done apiToken - Done zone(s) - Done interactive vs non-interactive - ???? firewall settings - ????
- Prepare response data for later use Zone Settings - Done DNS Records - Done Page Rules - Done
- Endpoints to Backup
ZonesSettings - Done
DNS - Done
Page Rules -Done
Firewall (Waf Rules) - ????
Rate Limiting -
Load Balancing
.... - Advanced Error Handling Argument check Allow user to correct miss guided arguments before exit
- "Super User Mode" / SUDO
- Add in Dev/Stagging argument for forward compatibility of API v5
Restore Management Wish List:
- Restore endpoints from previous backup Zone Settings - DNS Records - Page Rules - Firewall -
- allow for ability to change/modify configuration being applied prior to
- prompt user on diff of configuration being applied
- interactive vs. non-interactive -