- python 3.6.8
- PyTorch 1.0.1
- Torchvision 0.2.0
- Tensorflow 1.13.0 (GPU compatible)
- keras 2.3.1
- scikit-image 0.16.2
- Pillow 6.2.1
- OpenCV 4.1.2
- Cuda 10.0
- CuDNN 7.4
- tqdm 4.41.1
Ensure that Cuda 10.0 and CuDNN 7.4 are installed to use GPU capabilities.
Ensure Anaconda 4.7 or above is installed using conda info
, else refer to the Anaconda documentation
The following commands can then be used to install the dependencies:
conda create --name pi3d_env tensorflow-gpu==1.13.1 keras scikit-image opencv
RGB frames for each dataset are in data/[DATASET]/[PART] folder. Skeleton files are present in data/[DATASET]/skeleton/ folder.
The model weights while training will be stored in weights/ folder according to the model name and the corresponding logs can be found in the logs/ folder.
Training is done in multiple stages:
- Pretraining of I3D models (for full_body/left_hand/right_hand) can be done through the given scripts
conda activate pi3d_env
The three layered stacked LSTM network is pretrained by following the following code.
The network is jointly trained using
conda activate pi3d_env
python lstm_train_attention.py (optional arguments)
The testing script can be found in test.py and requires the model weights of the best epoch to be passed as an argument.