Scada services with redis and web sockets
###Introduction### Scada Services is an experimental setup to host SCADA webservices backed with redis store and with support of web sockets.
####Install ruby###
Install ruby 2.0 and make it available in folder accessible from PATH.
Windows steps
- Download ruby installer
- Select to add ruby to path
- Prefer default installation path C:\Ruby200
####Install ruby gems bundler and foreman####
gem install bundler gem install foreman
Note for Windows Prefer version 0.61.0
gem install foreman -v 0.61.0
####Compile/Download redis-server####
Download 2.6.x version, compile and place it in folder accessible from system PATH environment
Windows steps
Download release version of redis-server from MSOpenTech / redis
####Clone source####
Clone repo
git clone
####Install ruby gems in Gemfile####
bundle install --path vendor/bundle
###Starting server###
Execute following command from source directory
foreman start
Wait till sinatra service is up and running
###Test REST API###
Note for Windows : curl comes default with msys git.
Get energy of meter1
curl http://localhost/meters/1/energy
Get import, export and net totals of all meters
curl http://localhost/meters/energy
Get import of all meters
curl http://localhost/meters/energy/import
###Modbus mapping###
Assumed modbus mapping is in doc/modbus_mapping.txt
For more information please refer to wiki