doozerconfig is a Go package for managing json-encoded configuration in doozer. Configuration in doozer is directly mapped to a Go struct. Configuration changes made in doozer are automatically reflected in the struct. For details, see the example below.
$ go get
var Config struct {
MaxItems int `doozer:"config/max_items"`
DbUri string `doozer:"config/db_uri"`
EnvVars map[string]string `doozer:"config/envvars"`
Verbose bool // not in doozer
func init() {
doozer, _ := doozer.Dial("localhost:8046")
rev, _ := doozer.Rev()
// Map Config fields to "/myapp/" + the struct tag above.
// eg: MaxItems will be mapped to /myapp/config/max_items
// EnvVars will be mapped to /myapp/config/envvars/*
cfg := doozerconfig.New(doozer, rev, &Config, "/myapp/")
// Load config values from doozer and assign to Config fields
_ = cfg.Load()
// Watch for live changes to doozer config, and automatically
// update the struct fields. The callback function can be used to
// handle errors, and to get notified of changes.
go cfg.Monitor("/myapp/config/*", func(change *Change, err error) {
fmt.Printf("config changed in doozer; %+v\n", change)
If a file is deleted from doozer, the config struct is not updated (unless it a map entry). Perhaps we should update the value to a default value (as specified in a
struct tag). -
Writing configuration back to doozer is not supported yet.
Oct 22, 2012:
Support for loading map types
now takes doozer revision as a mandatory argument. -
doesn't take a revision argument anymore. Instead it uses the one passed toLoad
. -
's callback function accepts a newChange
Sep 25, 2012:
- Initial public release.