Now supports both Blazor Server and WASM and MAUI Hybrid.
- Neural Network
- Image Classification
- Sound Classifier
- Object Detector (YOLO and COCOSSD based)
- PoseNet
- Sentiment Analyzer
- FaceMesh
Install Asp.Net Core payload and then follow Installation Instructions here to configure ML5 to use it from C# Blazor app.
API documentation can be followed from here after lib configuration.
@page "/nn"
@using BlazorML5
@using BlazorML5.Helpers
@inject IJSRuntime runtime
<button @onclick="AddData">Add Data and Train</button>
NeuralNetwork _network;
protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
await Ml5.InitAsync(runtime);
_network = await Ml5.NeuralNetworkAsync(new NeuralNetworkOptions()
Task = TaskType.Classification,
DataUrl = "",
Debug = true,
Inputs = new object[]{"r", "g", "b"},
Outputs = new object[]{"label"}
Console.WriteLine($"Training: {e}%");
_network.OnTrainingComplete+=async ()=>
Console.WriteLine($"Training Complete");
await _network.ClassifyMultipleAsync(new object[]{new object[]{12,13,14},new object[]{15,16,17}});
Console.WriteLine($"Data Loaded");
_network.OnClassify+=async (l,e)=>
_network.OnClassifyMultiple+=async (l,e)=>
async void AddData()
//data fetched from .csv file no need to manually add and hence directly training
//await _network.NormalizeDataAsync();
await _network.TrainAsync();
More samples here