Access to site.github
for getting a repository's metadata.
- Spress >=2.0.0
- PHP cURL extension.
If you are using Spress 1.x, go to 1.0.0 version of the plugin.
Go to your site folder and input the following command:
spress add:plugin spress/github-metadata-plugin
Add the following to your config.yml
#Your repository name:
repository: "spress/spress"
#### Access to repository's metadada
- Stargazers count:
. - Watchers count:
. - Forks count:
See Github repos API.
Another metadata keys:
- name
- full_name
- description
- fork
- html_url
- clone_url
- git_url
- ssh_url
- mirror_url
- homepage
- size
- default_branch
- open_issues_count
- has_issues
- has_pages
- has_downloads
- pushed_at
- created_at
- updated_at
Access to site.github.contributors
for getting an array with contributors metadata.
See Github repos API.
- login
- avatar_url
- html_url
- type
- contributions
Access to site.github.owner
for getting owner metadata.
- login
- avatar_url
- gravatar_id
- html_url
Access to site.github.organization
for getting organization metadata.
- login
- avatar_url
- html_url
Access to site.github.source
for getting source metadata.
- name
- full_name
- description
- html_url
- clone_url
- git_url
- ssh_url
- svn_url
- mirror_url
- homepage
- forks_count
- stargazers_count
- watchers_count
- size
- default_branch
- open_issues_count
- has_issues
- has_wiki
- has_pages
- has_downloads
- pushed_at
- created_at
- updated_at
This plugin is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.