Write custom protections against query flood
- Installing this plugin will disable the built-in query flood check, so you must your own protection!
- Use this filterscript to reimplement the default query flood check. (not recommended - it is susceptible to query flood attack)
- For better performance, implement the protection directly into plugin source code to avoid AMX overhead.
forward OnQueryFloodCheck(queryType, binaryAddress);
* Info:
* - called when a query is received
* Parameters:
* - queryType : a single character corresponding to the packet identifier as explained here: http://wiki.sa-mp.com/wiki/Query_Mechanism#Opcodes
* - binaryAddress : IP address of requester as a 32-bit unsigned integer
* Returns:
* - 0 (ZERO) : process the query
* - !=0 (NONZERO) : don't process the query
* Notes:
* - If any script returns NONZERO in this callback, then current query won't get processed.
* - If this callback is missing from all loaded scripts, then the plugin will **PROCESS ALL QUERIES** and will print a warning message in server log.
Download the archive from Releases page and unpack it into your server directory. Then edit "server.cfg":
- Windows
filterscripts fs-original-check # or write your own protection
plugins samp-custom-query-flood-check.dll
- Linux
filterscripts fs-original-check # or write your own protection
plugins samp-custom-query-flood-check.so