A node module to show resources informations of exe and dll files.
var rcinfo = require('rcinfo');
rcinfo(path to an exe or dll file, function (error, info) { ... })
rcinfo('./bin/ShowVer.exe', function (error, info) {
if (!error) {
This output info
to the console with the following json string:
{ Signature: 'feef04bd',
StrucVersion: '1.0',
FileVersion: '',
ProductVersion: '',
FileFlagsMask: '0x3f',
FileFlags: '0',
FileType: 'VFT_APP',
FileDate: '0.0',
LangID: '040904b0',
AuthorName: 'Ted Peck',
Comments: '',
CompanyName: '',
FileDescription: 'ShowVer console app for VersionInfo display',
InternalName: 'ShowVer',
LegalCopyright: 'Copyright © 2002',
LegalTrademarks: '',
OriginalFilename: 'ShowVer.exe',
PrivateBuild: '',
ProductName: 'ShowVer',
SpecialBuild: '',
Translation: '040904b0' }
This module uses the ShowVer.exe command-line VERSIONINFO display program by Ted Peck (c) 2002 available on CodeProject.