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Retrieve DNS records

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This package contains a class that can fetch DNS records.

use Spatie\Dns\Dns;

$dns = new Dns();

$dns->getRecords(''); // returns all available dns records

$dns->getRecords('', 'A'); // returns only A records

You can use various methods to retrieve info of a record.

$records = $dns->getRecords('')

$hostNameOfFirstRecord = $records[0]->host();

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If you do not have dig installed you will need it.

You can install the package via composer:

composer require spatie/dns


The class can get these record types: A, AAAA, CNAME, NS, PTR, SOA, MX, SRV, TXT, DNSKEY, CAA, NAPTR.

use Spatie\Dns\Dns;

$dns = new Dns();

$dns->getRecords(''); // returns all available dns records

$dns->getRecords('', 'A'); // returns only A records
$dns->getRecords('', ['A', 'CNAME']); // returns both A and CNAME records
$dns->getRecords('', DNS_MX); // returns only MX records
$dns->getRecords('', DNS_A | DNS_AAAA); // returns both A and AAAA records

getRecords will return an array with objects that implement the Spatie\Dns\Records\Record interface.

Working with DNS records

Here's how you can fetch the first A-record of a domain.

$ARecord = $dns->getRecords('', 'A')[0];

These methods can be called on all records:

  • host(): returns the host (
  • ttl(): return the time to live (900)
  • class(): returns the class (IN)
  • type(): returns the type (A)

When converting a record to a string you'll get a string with all info separated with tabs.

(string)$ARecord // returns `              900     IN      A`

Some records have additional methods available. For example, records of type A have an additional ip() method. To know which extra methods there are, check the docblocks above all record classes in the source code.

Using a specific nameserver

You can get records from a specific nameserver.

use Spatie\Dns\Dns;

(new Dns)
    ->useNameserver('') // use

Guessing a record

When you have a string that contains a dns record, you can convert it to a Record

use \Spatie\Dns\Support\Factory();

// returns instance of \Spatie\Dns\Records\CNAME
(new Factory())->guess('       300     IN      CNAME');

Using custom handlers

A Handler is responsible for fetching DNS records of a certain type.

By default, these handlers that ship with the package are used:

  • Spatie\Dns\Handler\Dig
  • Spatie\Dns\Handler\DnsGetRecord

You can create custom handlers. A valid handler is any class that extends from Spatie\Dns\Handler\Handler.

A custom handler class can be used by passing it to useHandlers on Spatie\Dns\Dns.

$results = $this->dns
    ->useHandlers([new YourCustomHandler()])

Under the hood

We will use dig to fetch DNS info. If it is not installed on your system, we'll call the native dns_get_record() function.


composer test


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If you've found a bug regarding security please mail [email protected].


You're free to use this package, but if it makes it to your production environment we highly appreciate you sending us a postcard from your hometown, mentioning which of our package(s) you are using.

Our address is: Spatie, Kruikstraat 22, 2018 Antwerp, Belgium.

We publish all received postcards on our company website.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.