The gator:environment, capable of reading several qualities about the air can be purchased here.. The SparkFun gator:environment micro:bit Accessory Board utilizes the popular CCS811 and BME280 ICs to take care of all of your environmental readings of atmospheric quality. This sensor board can provide a variety of environmental data, including barometric pressure, humidity, temperature, equivalent TVOCs and equivalent CO2 (or eCO2) levels. The gator:environment connects to the SparkFun gator:bit via alligator-clip cables, allowing for easy access to the micro:bit's I2C pins.
To use this package, go to, click Add package
and search for gator-environment. The package is located here
//Initializes our environmental sensor so we can get data from it.
Use ||Use Initialize gator:Environment sensors||
to initialize the sensors on the gator:Environment board.
//Use measurement to grab data from any of the sensors channels.
Use ||degreesC value||
to grab values from the board. Changing what value you want is as easy as selecting it from the drop down menu.
//Read degrees celsius and write it to the micro:bit screen as a number
basic.forever(function () {
serial.writeLine("" + gatorEnvironment.measurement(MeasurementType.degreesC))
- for PXT/microbit