Arduino library for the TI CC3000 WiFi Shield and Breakout Board.
Note that the SFE_CC3000_Library was tested with CC3000 firmware v1.24.
The following are known problems with the library and are being actively worked on:
- Tx/Rx buffers for the CC3000 can easily overflow. Buffer checks need to be added to the library.
- AES encryption for SmartConfig is not supported.
- Static IP is not working at this time (only DHCP works).
- HTTP POST requests work but do not print the whole server response to the console.
- The library does not work with any Teensey boards. Only ATmega328- and ATmega2560-based Arduinos have been tested.
- UDP has been tested for transmit only. Receiving UDP packets on the CC3000 is currently not working.
- Download the Git repository as a ZIP ("Download ZIP" button)
- Unzip
- Copy the entire directory (SFE_CC3000_Library) to /libraries
- Open the Arduino program
- Select File -> Examples -> SFE_CC3000_Library -> WebClient
- Change ap_ssid and ap_password to match your WiFi's SSID and password
- If your WiFi's security is anything other than WPA2, change ap_security to one of WLAN_SEC_UNSEC, WLAN_SEC_WEP, WLAN_SEC_WPA, or WLAN_SEC_WPA2
- Plug in your Arduino and CC3000 board
- Go to Tools -> Board and select your Arduino board
- Go to Tools -> Serial Port and select the COM port of your Arduino board
- Click "Upload"
- Go to Tools -> Serial Monitor
- Ensure the baud rate is set at 115200 baud
- The program should connect and print out the HTML of
- Fixed SD card incompatibility issue. Again. (I broke it in v1.4)
- Added support for ATmega32u4 (Arduino Leonardo)
- Added CS pin de-assertion on init to allow for other non-default CS pins
- Merged pull request from Jacob Rosenthal (
- Changed IP Addresses to conform to Arduino's other networking libraries (e.g. using the IPAddress class)
- Implemented UDP connections
- Added support for the Arduino Mega
- Fixed SD card incompatibility issues
- Added WebClientSD.ino example sketch to show SD card working with CC3000
- Initial release
- Manual connection implemented
- SmartConfig and FastConnect implemented
- Ping implemented
- TCP connections implemented
- Users can perform HTTP GET and HTTP POST
This code is beerware; if you see me (or any other SparkFun employee) at the local, and you've found our code helpful, please buy us a round!
Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.