An HTML5 version of Till Harbaum's classic Palm OS game.
You can play it here.
- Decide if you want to use Canvas or CSS
- Get two kinds of tiles displayed
- Get all kinds of tiles displayed
- Get a full screen being displayed
- Get multiple screens displayed
- Be able to navigate through the screens (test) with arrow keys
- Make sure screens wrap if appropriate
- Get actual level file read in and displayed
- Create JS Object/JS Array/JSON String level format
- Be able to read in JS Object/JS Array/JSON String levelsets
- Be able to read in .pdb format levelsets
- Be able to read in .lev format levelsets
- Display ball
- Be able to control ball acceleration with arrow keys
- Let ball navigate between screens
- Let ball bounce off one kind of wall object
- Let ball bounce off wall sides
- Let ball bounce off wall corners
- Let ball bounce off all kinds of wall objects
- Let ball trip memory game wall pieces
- Make timer work (with appropriately scaled time from original Mulg running on Palm III emulator)
- Create highscore table
- Create level selector
- Create game pack selector
- Make sure it looks ok on an iPhone-sized screen
- Allow swiping on touchscreen to work the same as dragging stylus on original Palm game.
- Make sure the weighting of each drag is the same as on the Palm game.