HDFS as a remote ObjectStore for Datafusion.
This crate introduces HadoopFileSystem
as a remote ObjectStore which provides the ability of querying on HDFS files.
For the HDFS access, We leverage the library fs-hdfs. Basically, the library only provides Rust FFI APIs for the libhdfs
which can be compiled by a set of C files provided by the official Hadoop Community.
Since the libhdfs
is also just a C interface wrapper and the real implementation for the HDFS access is a set of Java jars, in order to make this crate work, we need to prepare the Hadoop client jars and the JRE environment.
Install Java.
Specify and export
To get a Hadoop distribution, download a recent stable release from one of the Apache Download Mirrors. Currently, we support Hadoop-3.
Unpack the downloaded Hadoop distribution. For example, the folder is /opt/hadoop. Then prepare some environment variables:
export HADOOP_HOME=/opt/hadoop
- Firstly, we need to add library path for the jvm related dependencies. An example for MacOS,
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/server
- Since our compiled libhdfs is JNI native implementation, it requires the proper CLASSPATH to load the Hadoop related jars. An example,
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:`hadoop classpath --glob`
Suppose there's a hdfs directory,
let hdfs_file_uri = "hdfs://localhost:8020/testing/tpch_1g/parquet/line_item";
in which there're a list of parquet files. Then we can query on these parquet files as follows:
let ctx = SessionContext::new();
let url = Url::parse("hdfs://").unwrap();
ctx.runtime_env().register_object_store(&url, Arc::new(HadoopFileSystem));
let table_name = "line_item";
"Register table {} with parquet file {}",
table_name, hdfs_file_uri
ctx.register_parquet(table_name, &hdfs_file_uri, ParquetReadOptions::default()).await?;
let sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM line_item";
let result = ctx.sql(sql).await?.collect().await?;
- First clone the test data repository:
git submodule update --init --recursive
- Run testing
cargo test
During the testing, a HDFS cluster will be mocked and started automatically.