A SFDC application through which customers can view profiles, view available cars, register and book cars.
- Create and maintain Car records.
- Search Car details by Car Name, Car type, Color, Brand.
- Register and maintain Customer records.
- One Customer cannot Create two Customer records using the same details (Name, Email, Phone).
- Allows the customer to rent available cars online prior to their expected pick-up date.
- Two Customers cannot book the same car for the same date.
- Customers cannot give Present day as Booking date.
- For Booking, ‘To-Date’ always greater than ‘From-Date’
- Customers can provide feedback on the overall experience.
- Report is generated based on the customer's feedback.
Admin : Custom Objects, Profiles, OWD, Page Layout, Validation Rules, Formula, Flows, Reports.
Development : LWC, APEX class & Trigger