- 🔭 I’m Sourab Hossain
- 💻 I'm currently working on something cool!
- 📚 I’m currently learning many things, and I believe every day is a learning opportunity.
- 👀 I’m currently open for work and employment opportunities (remote and relocation)
- 💬 If you have any questions or need help with a project related to Express.js, JavaScript/TypeScript, or Node.js, please don't hesitate to reach out!
- 📫 I am just one mail away - [sourab dot codecraft at gmail dot com]
- 😄 Pronouns: He/ Him 😄
- 🔧 Tools - In addition to my core skills, I am also proficient in various other tools and technologies, including VSCode, Postman, Markdown Editors, the Mighty Terminal, Oh MyZSH, and PowerLevel 10K on Mac and Linux.
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Node.js
- Express.js
- NestJS
- MongoDB
- Redis