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Advanced native camera and gallery controls and device photos API.


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Native camera control.


Install using npm or yarn:

npm install react-native-camera-kit --save

Or if you're using yarn:

yarn add react-native-camera-kit


  • Locate the module lib folder in your node modules: PROJECT_DIR/node_modules/react-native-camera-kit/ios/lib
  • Drag the ReactNativeCameraKit.xcodeproj project file into your project
  • Add libReactNativeCameraKit.a to all your target Linked Frameworks and Libraries (prone to be forgotten)
  • Add to your project info.plist the keys Privacy - Camera Usage Description and Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description as described here.


Add the following to your project's settings.gradle file:

+ include ':rncamerakit'
+ project(':rncamerakit').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-camera-kit/android/')

Then add to your app app/build.gradle in the dependencies section:

+ compile project(":rncamerakit")

Then in add:

+ import com.wix.RNCameraKit.RNCameraKitPackage;

And in the package list in the same file (e.g. getPackages) add:

+ new RNCameraKitPackage()

Running the example project

  • cd old-example
  • yarn or npm install (the yarn/npm should be in the example folder)
  • react-native run-ios or react-native run-android


CameraKitCamera - Camera component

  ref={cam => = cam}
    flex: 1,
    backgroundColor: 'white'
    flashMode: 'auto',             // on/off/auto(default)
    focusMode: 'on',               // off/on(default)
    zoomMode: 'on',                // off/on(default)
    ratioOverlay:'1:1',            // optional, ratio overlay on the camera and crop the image seamlessly
    ratioOverlayColor: '#00000077' // optional
  onReadQRCode={(event) => console.log(event.nativeEvent.qrcodeStringValue)} // optional

CameraKitCamera cameraOptions

Attribute Values Description
flashMode 'on'/'off'/'auto' camera flash mode (default is auto)
focusMode 'on'/'off' camera focus mode (default is on)
zoomMode 'on'/'off' camera zoom mode
ratioOverlay ['int':'int', ...] overlay on top of the camera view (crop the image to the selected size) Example: ['16:9', '1:1', '3:4']
ratioOverlayColor Color any color with alpha (default is '#ffffff77')

CameraKitCamera API


const isCameraAuthorized = await CameraKitCamera.checkDeviceCameraAuthorizationStatus();

return values:

AVAuthorizationStatusAuthorized returns true

AVAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined returns -1

otherwise, returns false


const isUserAuthorizedCamera = await CameraKitCamera.requestDeviceCameraAuthorization();

AVAuthorizationStatusAuthorized returns true

otherwise, returns false

capture - must have the wanted camera capture reference

Capture image (shouldSaveToCameraRoll: boolean)

const image = await;

setFlashMode - must have the wanted camera capture reference

Set flash mode (auto/on/off)

const success = await;

changeCamera - must have the wanted camera capture reference

Change to fornt/rear camera

const success = await;

CameraKitGalleryView - Gallery grid component

Native Gallery View (based on UICollectionView(iOS) and RecyclerView (Android))

  ref={gallery => = gallery}
  style={{flex: 1, marginTop: 20}}
  onTapImage={event => {
    // event.nativeEvent.selected - ALL selected images ids
Attribute Values Description
minimumInteritemSpacing Float Minimum inner Item spacing
minimumLineSpacing Float Minimum line spacing
imageStrokeColor Color Image stroke color
imageStrokeColorWidth Number > 0 Image stroke color width
albumName String Album name to show
columnCount Integer How many clumns in one row
onTapImage Function Callback when image tapped
selectedImages Array Selected images (will show the selected badge)
selectedImageIcon require(_PATH_) - DEPRECATED use Selection - Selected image badge image
unSelectedImageIcon require(_PATH_) - DEPRECATED use Selection - Unselected image badge image
selection Object See Selection section
getUrlOnTapImage Boolean iOS only - On image tap return the image internal (tmp folder) uri (intead of Photos.framework asset id)
customButtonStyle Object See Custom Button section
onCustomButtonPress Function Callback when custom button tapped
contentInset (iOS) Object The amount by which the gellery view content is inset from its edges (similar to ScrollView contentInset)
remoteDownloadIndicatorType String ('spinner' / 'progress-bar' / 'progress-pie') iOS only - see Images stored in iCloud
remoteDownloadIndicatorColor Color iOS only - Color of the remote download indicator to show
onRemoteDownloadChanged Function iOS only - Callback when the device curentlly download remote image stored in the iCloud.

Custom Button

Attribute Values Description
image require(_PATH_) Custom button image
backgroundColor Color Custom button background color


Attribute Values Description
selectedImage require(_PATH_) Selected image badge image
unselectedImage require(_PATH_) Unselected image badge image
imagePosition bottom/top-right/left / center Selected/Unselected badge image position (Default:top-right)
overlayColor Color Image selected overlay color
imageSizeAndroid large/medium Android Only - Selected badge image size

Images stored in iCloud

On iOS images can be stored in iCould if the device is low on space which means full-resolution photos automatically replaced with optimized version and full resolution versions are stored in iCloud.

In this case, we need to download the image from iCloud and Photos Framework by Apple does a great job. Downloading take time and we deal with UI, so we need to show loading/progress indicator. In order to do so, we provide 3 types of loading/progress inidcators:

Sets remoteDownloadIndicatorType prop (and remoteDownloadIndicatorColor in order to sets the Color) on CameraKitGalleryView:

Attribute Values

In order to simulate this loading behaviour, since reach low on storage situation is hard, add this prop iCloudDownloadSimulateTime={TIME_IN_SECONDS}, just DO NOT FORGET TO REMOVE IT.

QR Code

    actions={{ rightButtonText: 'Done', leftButtonText: 'Cancel' }}
    onBottomButtonPressed={(event) => this.onBottomButtonPressed(event)}

    onReadQRCode={((event) => Alert.alert("Qr code found"))} //optional
    hideControls={false}           //(default false) optional, hide buttons and additional controls on top and bottom of screen
    showFrame={true}   //(default false) optional, show frame with transparent layer (qr code or barcode will be read on this area ONLY), start animation for scanner,that stoped when find any code. Frame always at center of the screen
    offsetForScannerFrame = {10}   //(default 30) optional, offset from left and right side of the screen
    heightForScannerFrame = {300}  //(default 200) optional, change height of the scanner frame
    colorForScannerFrame = {'red'} //(default white) optional, change colot of the scanner frame


  • M13ProgressSuite component by Marxon13 - A suite containing many tools to display progress information on iOS.


The MIT License.



Advanced native camera and gallery controls and device photos API.







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  • Objective-C 46.3%
  • Java 34.6%
  • JavaScript 17.5%
  • Python 1.4%
  • Ruby 0.2%