This repository accompanies the following video on YouTube:
Direct link to the demo part:
You need an Azure subscription and the following resources:
- Azure Container Registry (ACR): to store the container image and Helm chart
- Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS): to deploy the app to qa and prod namespaces
- do not deploy a private cluster; we will use MS hosted build agents that need to talk to the K8S API server via a public endpoint
- cluster can be AAD integrated: pipeline contains comments to use kubelogin when you do not want to use --admin to obtain admin credentials to the cluster
- service principal in Azure AD: used to authenticate to Azure and obtain a kube config file to access the AKS cluster; make sure the service principal has the required Azure role (e.g., Contributor)
- AKS service principal (or managed identity) has AcrPull to ACR (if you used the portal and selected or created your container registry you should be good)
variables in ci pipeline:
- registryLogin: admin login to Azure Container Registry (ACR)
- registryName: will be appended to this variable to obtain the FQDN to ACR
- registryPassword: password to login to ACR
variables in ./common/ci-vars.yaml:
- helmVersion: version of helm to download
- registryServerName: '$(registryName)' --> FQDN for ACR; uses registryName pipeline variable
- projectName: ${{ parameters.projectName }}
- imageName: ${{ parameters.projectName }} --> used as part of the full name of the image
variables in cd pipeline:
- same 3 variables as in ci pipeline
- aks: name of AKS cluster (just the short name e.g., mycluster)
- aksSpId: app id of the service principal
- aksSpSecret: password (secret) of the service principal
- rg: resource group that contains the AKS cluster (e.g. myrg)
variables in ./common/cd-vars.yaml:
- helmVersion
- registryServerName: '$(registryName)'
- projectName
- create a project in Azure Devops
- import this repository (or use GitHub for the repo, that's fine too)
- add the CI pipeline and use ci.yaml as the source
- add CI pipeline variables (see above)
- set the values of the CI pipeline variables and variables in ./common/ci-vars.yaml to your ACR, AKS, etc...
- add the CD pipeline and use cd.yaml as the source
- add CD pipeline variables (see above)
- set the values of the CD pipeline variables and variables in ./common/cd-vars.yaml to your ACR, AKS, etc...
- run the pipeline manaually or commit a change to main
- if all goes well, you should have two deployments to your AKS cluster
- you should have two environments; add a manual approval step to the prod environment and add yourself as approver