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A collection of tools for audio loop files.


LoopTool is a collection of tools made for audio loops. LoopTool is able to split audio files into many equal parts or to extract a specific part, it can also put files in sequence or mix them together. It has also a lot more of handy features like applying fades, gain adjustement, normalize, convert to mono/stereo, etc etc... Its main goal is to prepare audio loops for live performence (with e.g. SuperBoucle, Luppp, Giada, Bitwig...). LoopTool is mainly based on SoX.


Main Features:

  • Audio waveform
  • Play via jack
  • Graphical manipulations (divide, fades, select part)
  • Load/Save file
  • Set working directory
  • Audiofile browser
  • Queue list
  • Grid and bpm
  • Export click file
  • Split files into equal parts
  • Extract a specific part
  • Apply fade in and fade out to the parts
  • Change the gain
  • Normalize
  • Convert mono to stereo or stereo to mono
  • Put audio files in sequence
  • Mix audio files


  1. copy the whole LoopTool folder on your system
git clone
  1. from this folder start LoopTool with:


On Ubuntu/Mint:

sudo apt-get install python3 python3-tk sox sndfile-tools

Install PySoundFile via pip3:

pip3 install pysoundfile


  • LoopTool is for now a Linux-only Software. It was tested only on LinuxMint 17 MATE, but it should work also on Cinnamon, GNOME and KDE. No OSX and Windows versions are available.
  • LoopTool was one of my playground for learning Python, so except a very bad code. For now it's fine for me, I learned a lot and it works, but it definitely needs a complete rewrite.. If you have suggestions or you want to help, please contact me. Otherwise, have fun with it, I hope it will be helpful for you!


  • Left-click on the waveform will select a part
  • Right-click on the waveform will remove the selection
  • Mouse-roll on any drop-down menu for a quick access (grid, fades, gain, divide)
  • Enter manual values on almost all the entries (e.g. gain = 1.5)
  • Space bar plays or stops the loaded file
  • Double-click a file in the file browser will add that file to the queue list
  • Double-click a file in the queue list will remove that file from the que list

Entries and Buttons:


  • WAV-File: Copy/Paste a .wav file there or type its path
  • ... : Opens a .wav file dialog
  • Load: Loads the file into LoopTool
  • Save As: Save the selected file as a new file (via save file dialog)
  • Play: Plays the selected file via Jack (snd-jackplay)
  • Stop: Stop playing
  • Samples: Total length (in samples) of the selected file
  • Seconds: Total length (in seconds) of the selected file
  • Channels: Amount of audio chanels in the file (mono/stereo/etc)
  • Samplerate: Samplerate of the selected file
  • Grid: Grid for help
  • Bpm: Calculates the bpm of the file according to the grid (4 beats/grid line)

One-File Editing:

  • Fade In: Add fade in via presets. The last one is a grid length and will stick to it
  • Fade out: Same as fade in, but for fade out
  • Gain dB: Change file(s) gain(s) on export
  • Normalize: Normalize file(s) gain(s) on export, this will overwrite Gain dB
  • Mono/Stereo. Force Mono or Stereo. (Mix two stereo channels together to mono or split a mono channel to stereo)
  • Split to files: Export all parts according to Divide
  • Export/Extract Part: Export the selected part only
  • Divide: Divides file into N parts
  • Extract Part: The choosen part
  • Part Length: Length of the selected part, in samples
  • Start Point: Starting point of the selected part

File Browser:

  • Shows the content of the working directory
  • Delete File: Delete the file permanently
  • ->: Add selected file to Queue List

Queue List (Many-Files Editing):

  • Shows the files in the queue list for processing
  • Remove: Remove selected file from the queue list
  • Clear: Clear the queue
  • Seq: Export all files in the queue list sequenced into one file (aka. Concatenate)
  • Mix: Mix all files in the queue list together into one file

Working Directory:

  • Workdir: Copy/paste file path or type the folder path.
  • ...: Open path via dialog
  • Load: Load path as a working directory for LoopTool

Get started:

  • Open a working directory or a wave file, press load, done.

Tips and Tricks:

  • Keep in mind, you can enter manual values on almost all the entries
  • Split a loop into parts and sequence them in a new order
  • Take the first or second half of a loop
  • Apply gain changes or normalize
  • Add fades
  • Split mono to stereo or mix stereo into mono
  • Try to figure out the bpm with the grid (4 beats in one grid part)


A collection of tools for audio loop files.







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