Nexus Repository 3 Helm charts are now being published to our Nexus Repository 3 Helm Repository.
Use the new repository to obtain the latest Nexus Repository 3 charts.
These charts are designed to work out of the box with minikube using both ingess and ingress dns addons.
The current releases have been tested on minikube v1.12.3 running k8s v1.18.3
See docs/ which is also
See the contributing document for details.
For Sonatypers, note that external contributors must sign the CLA and the Dev-Ex team must verify this prior to accepting any PR.
Charts for Nexus IQ and for NXRM can be updated in charts/
The most common updates will be to use new application images and to bump
chart versions for release.
There should likely be no reason to update anything in docs/
by hand.
Test a chart in a local k8s cluster (like minikube) by installing the local copy from within each charts directory:
helm install --generate-name ./
Sonatype CI build will package, commit, and publish to the official helm repository.
Upon update of the charts/
, run
from here in the project root to
create tgz
packages of the latest chart changes and regenerate the index.yaml
file to the docs/
directory which is the root of the
repo site.
The build process requires Helm 3.
To test Helm Charts locally you will need to follow the next steps:
- Install docker, helm, kubectl, and minikube, if you don't already have it on your local workstation.
- You could also use docker with k8s enabled instead of minikube. You don't need both.
- Start up minikube:
minikube start
- Confirm minikube is up and running:
minikube status
- List the existing pods in the cluster:
kubectl get pods
(There should not be anything listed at this point.) - Install the helm chart in any of these ways:
- From a copy of the source:
helm install iq {path/to/your/helm3-charts}/charts/nexus-iq --wait
- From our production online repo: Add our helm repo locally as instructed at
- From a copy of the source:
- List installed servers with helm: helm list
- Watch the server start in kubernetes by running:
kubectl get pods
- Use the pod name you get from last command to follow the console logs:
kubectl logs -f iq-nexus-iq-server-xxx
- Confirm expected version numbers in those logs.
- Forward a localhost port to a port on the running pod:
kubectl port-forward iq-nexus-iq-server-xxx 8070
- Connect and check that your fresh new server is successfully running:
- Uninstall the server with helm:
helm delete iq
- Confirm it's gone:
helm list && kubectl get pods
- Shutdown minikube:
minikube stop
Helm's Lint command will highlight formatting problems in the charts that need to be corrected.
helm lint charts/nexus-iq charts/nexus-repository-manager
To unit test the helm charts you can follow the next steps:
- Install the unittest plugin for Helm:
- Run the tests for each individual chart:
cd charts/nexus-iq; helm unittest -3 -t junit -o test-output.xml .
cd charts/nexus-repository-manager; helm unittest -3 -t junit -o test-output.xml .
You can run the integration tests for the helm charts by running the next commands.
Before running the integration tests:
- Install docker, helm, kubectl, and minikube, if you don't already have it on your local workstation.
- You could also use docker with k8s enabled instead of minikube.
- The integration tests will be executed on a running cluster. Each test will create a new POD that will connect to the server installed by our helm chart. Check this
Running integration tests for Nexus IQ:
- From source code:
helm install iq ./charts/nexus-iq --wait
- Run the tests:
helm test iq
Running integration tests for Nexus Repository Manager:
- From source code:
helm install nxrm ./charts/nexus-repository-manager --wait
- Run the tests:
helm test nxrm
Get the default values.yaml
for each chart.
- Nexus Repository:
helm show values sonatype/nexus-repository-manager > repo-values.yaml
- Nexus IQ:
helm show values sonatype/nexus-iq-server > iq-values.yaml
Edit the values file you just downloaded to enable ingress support, and install the chart with those values:
- Nexus Repository:
helm install nexus-repo sonatype/nexus-repository-manager -f repo-values.yaml
- Nexus IQ:
helm install nexus-iq sonatype/nexus-iq-server -f iq-values.yaml
If you want to use the custom values file for the demo environment that expose
the apps on a local domain of *.demo which is done by creating a resolver file.
On a Mac it's /etc/resolver/minikube-minikube-demo
with the following entries:
domain demo
search_order 1
timeout 5
You'll need to update the IP address to match the running instance's IP address.
Use minikube ip
to get the address
Docs for Ingress-dns are here