Extract glyphs from ttf and create .obj
Tested on OSX, 10.11.6 at the oldest. Open Glift/Glift.sln in Visual Studio Community and hit Command + K to build.
Hopefully the help description below will suffice. If it does not, then let me know.
usage: Glift.exe [OPTIONS]+ TTF
convert .ttf glyphs to .obj
positional arguments:
TTF path to .ttf file
optional arguments:
-c, --char=VALUE specify a glyph by codepoint to convert to .obj.
Exit 1 if VALUE is not a single character. If
not specified, defaults to all glyphs in the tt-
f. This can stack
--front-only generate a .obj for the front face only
--side-only generate a .obj for the side face only
--outline-only generate a .obj for the outline face only
-a, --angle=VALUE angle (in degrees) restriction for generating
side outlines where anything less than VALUE
will have side outlines (prismoids) generated
for that joint. In other words, if VALUE is 135,
any joint along the front outline, whose angle
is less than 135 degrees will have a side
outline/prismoid generated at that joint. VALUE
defaults to 135. Exit 1 if VALUE is not a valid
double precision format
-l, --list-names list glyph names
-p, --print print .obj to console
-d, --dry-run do not write to .obj. Useful with -p if printing
to console is the only requirement
-s, --size=VALUE size multiplier. The multiplicand is 72 points.
The multiplier defaults to 1. Exit 1 if VALUE is
not a valid floating point
-x, --xoffset=VALUE translate the model VALUE units across the x
axis. Exit 1 if VALUE is not a valid floating
-y, --yoffset=VALUE translate the model VALUE units across the y
axis. Exit 1 if VALUE is not a valid floating
-z, --zdepth=VALUE depth of the extrusion VALUE units across the z
axis. Defaults to 15. Exit 1 if VALUE is a non-
-t, --thickness-outline=VALUE
thickness of outline in VALUE units. Defaults to
10. Exit 1 if VALUE is not a valid floating point
--experimental enable experimental features
-h, --help show this message and exit
$ cd path/to/Glift/Glift/bin/Debug
$ mono Glift.exe -c A ../../../GliftTest/Resources/Alef-Bold.ttf
an A.obj will be written to the current directory. Opening it up in meshlab looks something like...
- also look into curve detection by processing the pre-flattened control points
- keep any eye for why scaling causes 72 to not be 72. It's speculated that Typography causes this when flattening points
- cmd line arg for reducing number of triangles in mesh
- make it so we can generate the front face only of the outlines, at z=0
- make it so we can use glift as a library, so we can link it in and generate outlines at runtime!