A Bot by developers for developers!.
Shaheen is a discord bot built on discord.py that offers games and utilities to keep developers engaged and productive.
Add to your server: Invite Link.
- Version 1.0.0 - lastest version
- Version 1.2.0 - under development
Use /about to get a quick guide and description for shaheen bot.
Use /article to get a random tech article from internet with an optional 'topic' to get a specific result.
Use /dare to get a random developer dares.
Use /neverhaveiever to get neverhaveiever questions.
Use /meme to get a random funny tech meme
Use /project to get project suggestions with estimated finish time.
Use /quote to get a random motivational quote to booost yourself.
Use /truth to get a random truth question that you must answer honestly.
Use /wouldyourather to get a would you rather question.
Use /youtube to fetch a youtube video specifically tech from youtube and watch.
clone the repo, create a virtual enviroment