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Exporting Log Manager for Orion events

Ulrich Lalk edited this page Dec 17, 2018 · 4 revisions

Using a SWQL query it is possible to query for Log Manager events and export them to a CSV file.

The following example queries for all events during the last 12 hours:

$swis = Connect-Swis -Hostname localhost -UserName admin -Password ""

$endDate = [DateTime]::UtcNow
$startDate = $endDate.AddHours(-12)

$query = @"
SELECT DateTime, 
       logEntry.LogMessageSource.Caption AS NodeName,
       logEntry.LogType.Type AS SourceType,
FROM Orion.OLM.LogEntry as logEntry 
WHERE DateTime >= @startDate AND DateTime <= @endDate

Get-SwisData `
    -SwisConnection $swis `
    -Query $query `
    -Parameters @{startDate = $startDate;endDate = $endDate} | 
        Export-Csv -Path "LMExport.csv" -NoTypeInformation

It is important to specify at least a date range (in UTC) to limit the amount of data to search. The SWQL Date/time functions are supported when specifying date values.

To search for a specific type of event, the following additional constraint can be added to the where clause

AND logEntry.LogType.Type = @sourceType

The value to pass for sourceType can be one of

  • Syslog
  • Traps
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