- Please find our artefact as archive : zenodo
- Because of space limitations, we do not include the required benchmark folder. Please download it from the archive at zenodo.
- Node.js v14.17.0
- Python 3.8.5
- Ubuntu 20.04
Install Node.js and the required packages:
# You may install Node.js using nvm : https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm
wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.38.0/install.sh | bash
source ~/.bashrc
# Install Node.js 14
nvm install 14.17.0
# Install the required Node.js packages
npm install
Create a virtual environment for Python and install the required packages:
sudo apt install -y python3-dev # required for the 'fasttext' package
sudo apt install -y python3-venv
# Create a virtual environment
python3 -m venv semseed_venv
# Activate the virtual environment
source semseed_venv/bin/activate
# Install the required Python packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
We provide pre-trained token embeddings trained using fastText (https://fasttext.cc). The training has been performed using JavaScript files obtained from https://www.sri.inf.ethz.ch/js150.
You may skip this step and use the patterns used in the paper available at benchmarks/bug_seeding_patterns_for_semantic_seeding.json for seeding bugs (Step 2).
Patterns can be obtained using two steps. The first step is to download all GitHub repositories, and the second step is to go through the commits of the downloaded repos and select and save only certain commits and to extract patterns from those commits.
Warning: Downloading top-100 GitHub repositories will take large disk space.
The list of top GitHub JavaScript repositories is present at benchmarks/top1000GithubRepos.json which is used by default for downloading the repos. Alternatively, this list can be generated using the getLinks() function from the bug_seeding/obtain_bug_seeding_patterns/main.js and setting the GitHub authentication (username, password) in the file bug_seeding/obtain_bug_seeding_patterns/repo_downloader/getTopGitHubRepoNames.js.
Download repos present in benchmarks/top1000GithubRepos.json:
node bug_seeding/obtain_bug_seeding_patterns/repo_downloader/main.js
Tip 💡: The default number of repos to be downloaded is 100 and default download directory is benchmarks/top_JS_repos both of which can be changed in main.js.
Assuming the repos have been downloaded in the default location i.e., benchmarks/top_JS_repos, the next step is to go through each repo and save the commits.
How it works?
- For each repo, walk through the whole commit history starting from the most recent commit
- For each of the commits search the commit message for the presence of certain query terms
- If the query term exists, find a diff between the commit and its parent
- Go through each file in the diff and select only '.js' (JavaScript) files
- For each of these '.js' files, find single line changes and save both the 'new content' and the 'old content' along with their line numbers to a MongoDB database
- Extract patterns from the commits and save back to the database.
Saving commits require installation of MongoDB and the creation of a user with proper rights. The steps are follows:
# Install MongoDB Community Edition on Ubuntu 20.04
# Documentation -> https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-ubuntu
wget -qO - https://www.mongodb.org/static/pgp/server-4.4.asc | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 ] https://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu focal/mongodb-org/4.4 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-4.4.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org
# Once installation has finished start MongoDB
sudo systemctl start mongod
Now, we need to create a MongoDB user. To do so open the MongoDB shell using the command: mongo
In the shell issue the following commands to creat a user and set the password.
use admin
user: "semSeedUser",
pwd: "semSeedPassWord124",
roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" }, "readWriteAnyDatabase" ]
Tip 💡: The default user is called semSeedUser and the password is semSeedPassWord124. If you change the default username and password, make sure to also edit database_config.json.
The next step is to go through the downloaded repos and extract commits where the commit message contains certain words and then extract patterns from those commits. This can be done as follows:
python3 bug_seeding/obtain_bug_seeding_patterns/extract_bug_seeding_patterns_from_repos/main.py
Tip 💡:
The directory where to look for the repositories and which 'hot-words' to look for in the commit message can be configured in main.py.
The name of the database that is created, the name of the collection in database can be configured in
database_config.json. -
To check if main.py worked, you may enter the mongo shell (using the command
in a terminal) and issue the following command. This will randomly select a commit saved in the database and display on the screen.use SemSeed_github_commits_db; db.commits.aggregate([{ $sample: { size: 1 } }]);
Alternatively, the data can be viewed using MongoDB Compass. The download and install instruction can be found: https://docs.mongodb.com/compass/current/install
Once the patterns have been extracted and saved to the database, the aggregate patterns can be saved to a JSON file using the following script:
python3 bug_seeding/obtain_bug_seeding_patterns/extract_bug_seeding_patterns_from_repos/aggregateChanges.py
Tip 💡: The filepath of the JSON file can be configured in the same file.
Given JavaScript files in benchmarks/data, seed bugs:
python3 bug_seeding/run_bug_seeding.py
Currently, the benchmarks/data contains a sample JS file that may be used to test the implementation. Further JS files can be downloaded for example from https://www.sri.inf.ethz.ch/js150 and extracted to the data directory. The default patterns used for seeding bugs is present in benchmarks/bug_seeding_patterns_for_semantic_seeding.json.
By default, the seeded bugs or the mutated JavaScript files can be found at benchmarks/js_benchmark_seeded_bugs. Each JS file in the directory represents one seeded bug and is accompanied by a JSON file that contains information about the seeded bug eg. where the bug has been seeded, which pattern has been used etc .
Tip 💡: If you want to use your own patterns, make sure to keep the format same.
Train DeepBugs with datasets where the generated negative (buggy) examples have been created using either SemSeed or using the default configuration of DeepBugs. The training data can be obtained by seeding bugs to the de-duplicated [2] JavaScript files downloaded from https://www.sri.inf.ethz.ch/js150. The bug seeding patterns for both types of bugs can be selected using the function select_particular_type_of_seeding_pattern() in the file bug_seeding/run_bug_seeding.py.
The validation datasets can be obtained from (refer to the paper for more information):
- The 8 of the held-out bugs
- Bugs gathered from 900 popular GitHub JavaScript projects which may be obtained by downloading the GitHub projects 101-1000, mentioned in benchmarks/top1000GithubRepos.json.
- Bugs from the JavaScript variant of an existing dataset of single-statement bugs [1].
Tip 💡: We provide pre-generated datasets for training and validating DeepBugs. Each of command given below for training DeepBugs contains flags '--trainingData' & '--validationData' which refer to the file paths of pre-generated datasets.
Wrong binary operands, where a developer uses an incorrect operand in a binary expression, e.g., accidentally writing
length * height
instead of length * breadth
Using SemSeed generated bugs:
python3 DeepBugs/python/BugDetection.py IncorrectBinaryOperand --learn benchmarks/token_to_vector.json benchmarks/type_to_vector.json benchmarks/node_type_to_vector.json --trainingData benchmarks/full_dataset_wrong_binopnd.json --validationData benchmarks/correct_buggy_real_binops.json --SemSeed
Using default DeepBugs
python3 DeepBugs/python/BugDetection.py IncorrectBinaryOperand --learn benchmarks/token_to_vector.json benchmarks/type_to_vector.json benchmarks/node_type_to_vector.json --trainingData benchmarks/full_dataset_wrong_binOpnd_no_seeded_included.json --validationData benchmarks/correct_buggy_real_binops.json --Default
Wrong assignment bugs, where the right hand side of an assignment is incorrect, e.g., writing i=o;
instead of
Using SemSeed generated bugs:
python3 DeepBugs/python/BugDetection.py IncorrectAssignment --learn benchmarks/token_to_vector.json benchmarks/type_to_vector.json benchmarks/node_type_to_vector.json --trainingData benchmarks/full_dataset_wrong_assignment.json --validationData benchmarks/correct_buggy_real_wrong_assignments.json --SemSeed
Using default DeepBugs
python3 DeepBugs/python/BugDetection.py IncorrectAssignment --learn benchmarks/token_to_vector.json benchmarks/type_to_vector.json benchmarks/node_type_to_vector.json --trainingData benchmarks/full_dataset_wrong_assignment_no_seeded_included.json --validationData benchmarks/correct_buggy_real_wrong_assignments.json --Default
The evaluation of the DeepBugs predictions can be found at compare_real_bug_finding_ability/DeepBugs_prediction_evaluation.ipynb
The comparison with Mutandis can be found as a jupyter notebook at compare_real_bug_finding_ability/syntax_check_mutandis_compare.ipynb
- [1]: How Often Do Single-Statement Bugs Occur? The ManySStuBs4J Dataset by Rafael-Michael Karampatsis & Charles Sutton
- [2]: The adverse effects of code duplication in machine learning models of code by Miltiadis Allamanis