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Add command-line options --hash and --no-hash
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sol committed May 3, 2020
1 parent 4bf66f9 commit c403f4e
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Showing 4 changed files with 162 additions and 99 deletions.
54 changes: 39 additions & 15 deletions src/Hpack.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ module Hpack (
, Verbose(..)
, Options(..)
, Force(..)
, GenerateHashStrategy(..)

#ifdef TEST
, hpackResultWithVersion
Expand All @@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.IO (stderr)
import Data.Aeson (Value)
import Data.Maybe

import Paths_hpack (version)
import Hpack.Options
Expand All @@ -74,9 +76,13 @@ header p v hash = [
data Options = Options {
optionsDecodeOptions :: DecodeOptions
, optionsForce :: Force
, optionsGenerateHashStrategy :: GenerateHashStrategy
, optionsToStdout :: Bool

data GenerateHashStrategy = ForceHash | ForceNoHash | PreferHash | PreferNoHash
deriving (Eq, Show)

getOptions :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO (Maybe (Verbose, Options))
getOptions defaultPackageConfig args = do
result <- parseOptions defaultPackageConfig args
Expand All @@ -90,9 +96,12 @@ getOptions defaultPackageConfig args = do
Help -> do
return Nothing
Run options -> case options of
ParseOptions verbose force toStdout file -> do
return $ Just (verbose, Options defaultDecodeOptions {decodeOptionsTarget = file} force toStdout)
Run (ParseOptions verbose force hash toStdout file) -> do
let generateHash = case hash of
Just True -> ForceHash
Just False -> ForceNoHash
Nothing -> PreferNoHash
return $ Just (verbose, Options defaultDecodeOptions {decodeOptionsTarget = file} force generateHash toStdout)
ParseError -> do
Expand All @@ -101,7 +110,7 @@ printHelp :: IO ()
printHelp = do
name <- getProgName
Utf8.hPutStrLn stderr $ unlines [
"Usage: " ++ name ++ " [ --silent ] [ --force | -f ] [ PATH ] [ - ]"
"Usage: " ++ name ++ " [ --silent ] [ --force | -f ] [ --[no-]hash ] [ PATH ] [ - ]"
, " " ++ name ++ " --version"
, " " ++ name ++ " --numeric-version"
, " " ++ name ++ " --help"
Expand All @@ -111,7 +120,7 @@ hpack :: Verbose -> Options -> IO ()
hpack verbose options = hpackResult options >>= printResult verbose

defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions = Options defaultDecodeOptions NoForce False
defaultOptions = Options defaultDecodeOptions NoForce PreferNoHash False

setTarget :: FilePath -> Options -> Options
setTarget target options@Options{..} =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -157,21 +166,22 @@ printWarnings :: [String] -> IO ()
printWarnings = mapM_ $ Utf8.hPutStrLn stderr . ("WARNING: " ++)

mkStatus :: CabalFile -> CabalFile -> Status
mkStatus new@(CabalFile _ mNewVersion _ _) existing@(CabalFile _ mExistingVersion _ _)
mkStatus new@(CabalFile _ mNewVersion mNewHash _) existing@(CabalFile _ mExistingVersion _ _)
| new `hasSameContent` existing = OutputUnchanged
| otherwise = case mExistingVersion of
Nothing -> ExistingCabalFileWasModifiedManually
Just existingVersion
| existingVersion < makeVersion [0, 20, 0] -> Generated
Just _
| mNewVersion < mExistingVersion -> AlreadyGeneratedByNewerHpack
| hashMismatch existing -> ExistingCabalFileWasModifiedManually
| isJust mNewHash && hashMismatch existing -> ExistingCabalFileWasModifiedManually
| otherwise -> Generated

hasSameContent :: CabalFile -> CabalFile -> Bool
hasSameContent (CabalFile cabalVersionA _ _ a) (CabalFile cabalVersionB _ _ b) = cabalVersionA == cabalVersionB && a == b

hashMismatch :: CabalFile -> Bool
hashMismatch cabalFile = cabalFileHash cabalFile /= Just (calculateHash cabalFile)
hashMismatch cabalFile = case cabalFileHash cabalFile of
Nothing -> False
Just hash -> hash /= calculateHash cabalFile

calculateHash :: CabalFile -> Hash
calculateHash (CabalFile cabalVersion _ _ body) = sha256 (unlines $ cabalVersion ++ body)
Expand All @@ -180,11 +190,11 @@ hpackResult :: Options -> IO Result
hpackResult = hpackResultWithVersion version

hpackResultWithVersion :: Version -> Options -> IO Result
hpackResultWithVersion v (Options options force toStdout) = do
hpackResultWithVersion v (Options options force generateHashStrategy toStdout) = do
DecodeResult pkg (lines -> cabalVersion) cabalFileName warnings <- readPackageConfig options >>= either die return
mExistingCabalFile <- readCabalFile cabalFileName
newCabalFile = makeCabalFile mExistingCabalFile cabalVersion v pkg
newCabalFile = makeCabalFile generateHashStrategy mExistingCabalFile cabalVersion v pkg

status = case force of
Force -> Generated
Expand All @@ -206,11 +216,25 @@ writeCabalFile options toStdout name cabalFile = do
write = if toStdout then Utf8.putStr else Utf8.writeFile name

makeCabalFile :: Maybe CabalFile -> [String] -> Version -> Package -> CabalFile
makeCabalFile mExistingCabalFile cabalVersion v pkg = CabalFile cabalVersion (Just v) (Just hash) body
makeCabalFile :: GenerateHashStrategy -> Maybe CabalFile -> [String] -> Version -> Package -> CabalFile
makeCabalFile strategy mExistingCabalFile cabalVersion v pkg = cabalFile
hash = sha256 (unlines $ cabalVersion ++ body)
cabalFile = CabalFile cabalVersion (Just v) hash body

| shouldGenerateHash mExistingCabalFile strategy = Just $ calculateHash cabalFile
| otherwise = Nothing

body = lines $ renderPackage (maybe [] cabalFileContents mExistingCabalFile) pkg

shouldGenerateHash :: Maybe CabalFile -> GenerateHashStrategy -> Bool
shouldGenerateHash mExistingCabalFile strategy = case (strategy, mExistingCabalFile) of
(ForceHash, _) -> True
(ForceNoHash, _) -> False
(PreferHash, Nothing) -> True
(PreferNoHash, Nothing) -> False
(_, Just CabalFile {cabalFileHash = Nothing}) -> False
(_, Just CabalFile {cabalFileHash = Just _}) -> True

renderCabalFile :: FilePath -> CabalFile -> [String]
renderCabalFile file (CabalFile cabalVersion hpackVersion hash body) = cabalVersion ++ header file hpackVersion hash ++ body
22 changes: 19 additions & 3 deletions src/Hpack/Options.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Hpack.Options where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory

Expand All @@ -16,6 +19,7 @@ data Force = Force | NoForce
data ParseOptions = ParseOptions {
parseOptionsVerbose :: Verbose
, parseOptionsForce :: Force
, parseOptionsHash :: Maybe Bool
, parseOptionsToStdout :: Bool
, parseOptionsTarget :: FilePath
} deriving (Eq, Show)
Expand All @@ -30,18 +34,30 @@ parseOptions defaultTarget = \ case
file <- expandTarget defaultTarget target
| toStdout = ParseOptions NoVerbose Force toStdout file
| otherwise = ParseOptions verbose force toStdout file
| toStdout = ParseOptions NoVerbose Force hash toStdout file
| otherwise = ParseOptions verbose force hash toStdout file
return (Run options)
Left err -> return err
silentFlag = "--silent"
forceFlags = ["--force", "-f"]
hashFlag = "--hash"
noHashFlag = "--no-hash"

flags = silentFlag : forceFlags
flags = hashFlag : noHashFlag : silentFlag : forceFlags

verbose :: Verbose
verbose = if silentFlag `elem` args then NoVerbose else Verbose

force :: Force
force = if any (`elem` args) forceFlags then Force else NoForce

hash :: Maybe Bool
hash = listToMaybe . reverse $ mapMaybe parse args
parse :: String -> Maybe Bool
parse t = True <$ guard (t == hashFlag) <|> False <$ guard (t == noHashFlag)

ys = filter (`notElem` flags) args

targets :: Either ParseResult (Maybe FilePath, Bool)
Expand Down
24 changes: 18 additions & 6 deletions test/Hpack/OptionsSpec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,30 +18,42 @@ spec = do

context "by default" $ do
it "returns Run" $ do
parseOptions defaultTarget [] `shouldReturn` Run (ParseOptions Verbose NoForce False defaultTarget)
parseOptions defaultTarget [] `shouldReturn` Run (ParseOptions Verbose NoForce Nothing False defaultTarget)

it "includes target" $ do
parseOptions defaultTarget ["foo.yaml"] `shouldReturn` Run (ParseOptions Verbose NoForce False "foo.yaml")
parseOptions defaultTarget ["foo.yaml"] `shouldReturn` Run (ParseOptions Verbose NoForce Nothing False "foo.yaml")

context "with superfluous arguments" $ do
it "returns ParseError" $ do
parseOptions defaultTarget ["foo", "bar"] `shouldReturn` ParseError

context "with --silent" $ do
it "sets optionsVerbose to NoVerbose" $ do
parseOptions defaultTarget ["--silent"] `shouldReturn` Run (ParseOptions NoVerbose NoForce False defaultTarget)
parseOptions defaultTarget ["--silent"] `shouldReturn` Run (ParseOptions NoVerbose NoForce Nothing False defaultTarget)

context "with --force" $ do
it "sets optionsForce to Force" $ do
parseOptions defaultTarget ["--force"] `shouldReturn` Run (ParseOptions Verbose Force False defaultTarget)
parseOptions defaultTarget ["--force"] `shouldReturn` Run (ParseOptions Verbose Force Nothing False defaultTarget)

context "with -f" $ do
it "sets optionsForce to Force" $ do
parseOptions defaultTarget ["-f"] `shouldReturn` Run (ParseOptions Verbose Force False defaultTarget)
parseOptions defaultTarget ["-f"] `shouldReturn` Run (ParseOptions Verbose Force Nothing False defaultTarget)

context "when determining parseOptionsHash" $ do

it "assumes True on --hash" $ do
parseOptions defaultTarget ["--hash"] `shouldReturn` Run (ParseOptions Verbose NoForce (Just True) False defaultTarget)

it "assumes False on --no-hash" $ do
parseOptions defaultTarget ["--no-hash"] `shouldReturn` Run (ParseOptions Verbose NoForce (Just False) False defaultTarget)

it "gives last occurrence precedence" $ do
parseOptions defaultTarget ["--no-hash", "--hash"] `shouldReturn` Run (ParseOptions Verbose NoForce (Just True) False defaultTarget)
parseOptions defaultTarget ["--hash", "--no-hash"] `shouldReturn` Run (ParseOptions Verbose NoForce (Just False) False defaultTarget)

context "with -" $ do
it "sets optionsToStdout to True, implies Force and NoVerbose" $ do
parseOptions defaultTarget ["-"] `shouldReturn` Run (ParseOptions NoVerbose Force True defaultTarget)
parseOptions defaultTarget ["-"] `shouldReturn` Run (ParseOptions NoVerbose Force Nothing True defaultTarget)

it "rejects - for target" $ do
parseOptions defaultTarget ["-", "-"] `shouldReturn` ParseError
Expand Down

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