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Add HpackError type
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sol committed Dec 11, 2022
1 parent 76caaf5 commit be9b7fa
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Showing 10 changed files with 209 additions and 87 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion hpack.cabal

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions package.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ library:
- Hpack.Config
- Hpack.Render
- Hpack.Yaml
- Hpack.Error

main: Main.hs
Expand Down
87 changes: 67 additions & 20 deletions src/Hpack.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Hpack (
-- | /__NOTE:__/ This module is exposed to allow integration of Hpack into
-- other tools. It is not meant for general use by end users. The following
Expand All @@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ module Hpack (
-- * Running Hpack
, hpack
, hpackResult
, hpackResultWithError
, printResult
, Result(..)
, Status(..)
Expand All @@ -29,6 +31,7 @@ module Hpack (
, setProgramName
, setTarget
, setDecode
, setFormatYamlParseError
, getOptions
, Verbose(..)
, Options(..)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,10 +59,12 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Paths_hpack (version)
import Hpack.Options
import Hpack.Config
import Hpack.Error (HpackError, formatHpackError)
import Hpack.Render
import Hpack.Util
import Hpack.Utf8 as Utf8
import Hpack.CabalFile
import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml

programVersion :: Maybe Version -> String
programVersion Nothing = "hpack"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,6 +140,41 @@ setDecode :: (FilePath -> IO (Either String ([String], Value))) -> Options -> Op
setDecode decode options@Options{..} =
options {optionsDecodeOptions = optionsDecodeOptions {decodeOptionsDecode = decode}}

-- | This is used to format any `Yaml.ParseException`s encountered during
-- decoding of < defaults>.
-- Note that:
-- 1. This is not used to format `Yaml.ParseException`s encountered during
-- decoding of the main @package.yaml@. To customize this you have to set a
-- custom decode function.
-- 2. Some of the constructors of `Yaml.ParseException` are never produced by
-- Hpack (e.g. `Yaml.AesonException` as Hpack uses it's own mechanism to decode
-- `Yaml.Value`s).
-- Example:
-- @
-- example :: IO (Either `HpackError` `Result`)
-- example = `hpackResultWithError` options
-- where
-- options :: `Options`
-- options = setCustomYamlParseErrorFormat format `defaultOptions`
-- format :: FilePath -> `Yaml.ParseException` -> String
-- format file err = file ++ ": " ++ displayException err
-- setCustomYamlParseErrorFormat :: (FilePath -> `Yaml.ParseException` -> String) -> `Options` -> `Options`
-- setCustomYamlParseErrorFormat format = `setDecode` decode >>> `setFormatYamlParseError` format
-- where
-- decode :: FilePath -> IO (Either String ([String], Value))
-- decode file = first (format file) \<$> `Hpack.Yaml.decodeYamlWithParseError` file
-- @
setFormatYamlParseError :: (FilePath -> Yaml.ParseException -> String) -> Options -> Options
setFormatYamlParseError formatYamlParseError options@Options{..} =
options {optionsDecodeOptions = optionsDecodeOptions {decodeOptionsFormatYamlParseError = formatYamlParseError}}

data Result = Result {
resultWarnings :: [String]
, resultCabalFile :: String
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,28 +228,35 @@ calculateHash :: CabalFile -> Hash
calculateHash (CabalFile cabalVersion _ _ body) = sha256 (unlines $ cabalVersion ++ body)

hpackResult :: Options -> IO Result
hpackResult = hpackResultWithVersion version
hpackResult opts = hpackResultWithError opts >>= either (die . formatHpackError programName) return
programName = decodeOptionsProgramName (optionsDecodeOptions opts)

hpackResultWithError :: Options -> IO (Either HpackError Result)
hpackResultWithError = hpackResultWithVersion version

hpackResultWithVersion :: Version -> Options -> IO Result
hpackResultWithVersion :: Version -> Options -> IO (Either HpackError Result)
hpackResultWithVersion v (Options options force generateHashStrategy toStdout) = do
DecodeResult pkg (lines -> cabalVersion) cabalFileName warnings <- readPackageConfig options >>= either die return
mExistingCabalFile <- readCabalFile cabalFileName
newCabalFile = makeCabalFile generateHashStrategy mExistingCabalFile cabalVersion v pkg

status = case force of
Force -> Generated
NoForce -> maybe Generated (mkStatus newCabalFile) mExistingCabalFile

case status of
Generated -> writeCabalFile options toStdout cabalFileName newCabalFile
_ -> return ()

return Result {
resultWarnings = warnings
, resultCabalFile = cabalFileName
, resultStatus = status
readPackageConfigWithError options >>= \ case
Right (DecodeResult pkg (lines -> cabalVersion) cabalFileName warnings) -> do
mExistingCabalFile <- readCabalFile cabalFileName
newCabalFile = makeCabalFile generateHashStrategy mExistingCabalFile cabalVersion v pkg

status = case force of
Force -> Generated
NoForce -> maybe Generated (mkStatus newCabalFile) mExistingCabalFile

case status of
Generated -> writeCabalFile options toStdout cabalFileName newCabalFile
_ -> return ()

return $ Right Result {
resultWarnings = warnings
, resultCabalFile = cabalFileName
, resultStatus = status
Left err -> return $ Left err

writeCabalFile :: DecodeOptions -> Bool -> FilePath -> CabalFile -> IO ()
writeCabalFile options toStdout name cabalFile = do
Expand Down
82 changes: 44 additions & 38 deletions src/Hpack/Config.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ module Hpack.Config (
, packageConfig
, DecodeResult(..)
, readPackageConfig
, readPackageConfigWithError

, renamePackage
, packageDependencies
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,6 +113,7 @@ import Data.Aeson.Config.Types
import Data.Aeson.Config.FromValue hiding (decodeValue)
import qualified Data.Aeson.Config.FromValue as Config

import Hpack.Error
import Hpack.Syntax.Defaults
import Hpack.Util hiding (expandGlobs)
import qualified Hpack.Util as Util
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -631,14 +633,16 @@ type ParsePackageConfig = PackageConfigWithDefaults ParseCSources ParseCxxSource
instance FromValue ParsePackageConfig

type Warnings m = WriterT [String] m
type Errors = ExceptT (ProgramName -> String)
type Errors = ExceptT HpackError

liftEither :: IO (Either String a) -> Warnings (Errors IO) a
liftEither = lift . ExceptT . fmap (first const)
liftEither :: IO (Either HpackError a) -> Warnings (Errors IO) a
liftEither = lift . ExceptT

decodeYaml :: FromValue a => FilePath -> Warnings (Errors IO) a
decodeYaml file = do
(warnings, a) <- liftEither $ Yaml.decodeYaml file
type FormatYamlParseError = FilePath -> Yaml.ParseException -> String

decodeYaml :: FromValue a => FormatYamlParseError -> FilePath -> Warnings (Errors IO) a
decodeYaml formatYamlParseError file = do
(warnings, a) <- liftEither $ first (ParseError . formatYamlParseError file) <$> Yaml.decodeYamlWithParseError file
tell warnings
decodeValue file a

Expand All @@ -647,16 +651,11 @@ data DecodeOptions = DecodeOptions {
, decodeOptionsTarget :: FilePath
, decodeOptionsUserDataDir :: Maybe FilePath
, decodeOptionsDecode :: FilePath -> IO (Either String ([String], Value))
, decodeOptionsFormatYamlParseError :: FilePath -> Yaml.ParseException -> String

newtype ProgramName = ProgramName String
deriving (Eq, Show)

instance IsString ProgramName where
fromString = ProgramName

defaultDecodeOptions :: DecodeOptions
defaultDecodeOptions = DecodeOptions "hpack" packageConfig Nothing Yaml.decodeYaml
defaultDecodeOptions = DecodeOptions "hpack" packageConfig Nothing Yaml.decodeYaml Yaml.formatYamlParseError

data DecodeResult = DecodeResult {
decodeResultPackage :: Package
Expand All @@ -666,13 +665,16 @@ data DecodeResult = DecodeResult {
} deriving (Eq, Show)

readPackageConfig :: DecodeOptions -> IO (Either String DecodeResult)
readPackageConfig (DecodeOptions programName file mUserDataDir readValue) = fmap (first ($ programName)) . runExceptT $ fmap addCabalFile . runWriterT $ do
(warnings, value) <- liftEither $ readValue file
readPackageConfig options = first (formatHpackError $ decodeOptionsProgramName options) <$> readPackageConfigWithError options

readPackageConfigWithError :: DecodeOptions -> IO (Either HpackError DecodeResult)
readPackageConfigWithError (DecodeOptions _ file mUserDataDir readValue formatYamlParseError) = runExceptT $ fmap addCabalFile . runWriterT $ do
(warnings, value) <- liftEither $ first ParseError <$> readValue file
tell warnings
config <- decodeValue file value
dir <- liftIO $ takeDirectory <$> canonicalizePath file
userDataDir <- liftIO $ maybe (getAppUserDataDirectory "hpack") return mUserDataDir
toPackage userDataDir dir config
toPackage formatYamlParseError userDataDir dir config
addCabalFile :: ((Package, String), [String]) -> DecodeResult
addCabalFile ((pkg, cabalVersion), warnings) = DecodeResult pkg cabalVersion (takeDirectory_ file </> (packageName pkg ++ ".cabal")) warnings
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -895,10 +897,10 @@ sectionAll f sect = f sect <> foldMap (foldMap $ sectionAll f) (sectionCondition

decodeValue :: FromValue a => FilePath -> Value -> Warnings (Errors IO) a
decodeValue file value = do
(r, unknown, deprecated) <- liftEither . return $ first (prefix ++) (Config.decodeValue value)
(r, unknown, deprecated) <- liftEither . return $ first (DecodeValueError file) (Config.decodeValue value)
case r of
UnsupportedSpecVersion v -> do
lift $ throwE $ \ (ProgramName programName) -> "The file " ++ file ++ " requires version " ++ showVersion v ++ " of the Hpack package specification, however this version of " ++ programName ++ " only supports versions up to " ++ showVersion Hpack.version ++ ". Upgrading to the latest version of " ++ programName ++ " may resolve this issue."
lift . throwE $ HpackVersionNotSupported file v Hpack.version
SupportedSpecVersion a -> do
tell (map formatUnknownField unknown)
tell (map formatDeprecatedField deprecated)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1052,9 +1054,9 @@ type ConfigWithDefaults = Product
type CommonOptionsWithDefaults a = Product DefaultsConfig (CommonOptions ParseCSources ParseCxxSources ParseJsSources a)
type WithCommonOptionsWithDefaults a = Product DefaultsConfig (WithCommonOptions ParseCSources ParseCxxSources ParseJsSources a)

toPackage :: FilePath -> FilePath -> ConfigWithDefaults -> Warnings (Errors IO) (Package, String)
toPackage userDataDir dir =
expandDefaultsInConfig userDataDir dir
toPackage :: FormatYamlParseError -> FilePath -> FilePath -> ConfigWithDefaults -> Warnings (Errors IO) (Package, String)
toPackage formatYamlParseError userDataDir dir =
expandDefaultsInConfig formatYamlParseError userDataDir dir
>=> setDefaultLanguage "Haskell2010"
>>> traverseConfig (expandForeignSources dir)
>=> toPackage_ dir
Expand All @@ -1064,32 +1066,35 @@ toPackage userDataDir dir =
setLanguage = (mempty { commonOptionsLanguage = Alias . Last $ Just (Just language) } <>)

:: FilePath
:: FormatYamlParseError
-> FilePath
-> FilePath
-> ConfigWithDefaults
-> Warnings (Errors IO) (Config ParseCSources ParseCxxSources ParseJsSources)
expandDefaultsInConfig userDataDir dir = bitraverse (expandGlobalDefaults userDataDir dir) (expandSectionDefaults userDataDir dir)
expandDefaultsInConfig formatYamlParseError userDataDir dir = bitraverse (expandGlobalDefaults formatYamlParseError userDataDir dir) (expandSectionDefaults formatYamlParseError userDataDir dir)

:: FilePath
:: FormatYamlParseError
-> FilePath
-> FilePath
-> CommonOptionsWithDefaults Empty
-> Warnings (Errors IO) (CommonOptions ParseCSources ParseCxxSources ParseJsSources Empty)
expandGlobalDefaults userDataDir dir = do
fmap (`Product` Empty) >>> expandDefaults userDataDir dir >=> \ (Product c Empty) -> return c
expandGlobalDefaults formatYamlParseError userDataDir dir = do
fmap (`Product` Empty) >>> expandDefaults formatYamlParseError userDataDir dir >=> \ (Product c Empty) -> return c

:: FilePath
:: FormatYamlParseError
-> FilePath
-> FilePath
-> PackageConfigWithDefaults ParseCSources ParseCxxSources ParseJsSources
-> Warnings (Errors IO) (PackageConfig ParseCSources ParseCxxSources ParseJsSources)
expandSectionDefaults userDataDir dir p@PackageConfig{..} = do
library <- traverse (expandDefaults userDataDir dir) packageConfigLibrary
internalLibraries <- traverse (traverse (expandDefaults userDataDir dir)) packageConfigInternalLibraries
executable <- traverse (expandDefaults userDataDir dir) packageConfigExecutable
executables <- traverse (traverse (expandDefaults userDataDir dir)) packageConfigExecutables
tests <- traverse (traverse (expandDefaults userDataDir dir)) packageConfigTests
benchmarks <- traverse (traverse (expandDefaults userDataDir dir)) packageConfigBenchmarks
expandSectionDefaults formatYamlParseError userDataDir dir p@PackageConfig{..} = do
library <- traverse (expandDefaults formatYamlParseError userDataDir dir) packageConfigLibrary
internalLibraries <- traverse (traverse (expandDefaults formatYamlParseError userDataDir dir)) packageConfigInternalLibraries
executable <- traverse (expandDefaults formatYamlParseError userDataDir dir) packageConfigExecutable
executables <- traverse (traverse (expandDefaults formatYamlParseError userDataDir dir)) packageConfigExecutables
tests <- traverse (traverse (expandDefaults formatYamlParseError userDataDir dir)) packageConfigTests
benchmarks <- traverse (traverse (expandDefaults formatYamlParseError userDataDir dir)) packageConfigBenchmarks
return p{
packageConfigLibrary = library
, packageConfigInternalLibraries = internalLibraries
Expand All @@ -1101,11 +1106,12 @@ expandSectionDefaults userDataDir dir p@PackageConfig{..} = do

:: (FromValue a, Semigroup a, Monoid a)
=> FilePath
=> FormatYamlParseError
-> FilePath
-> FilePath
-> WithCommonOptionsWithDefaults a
-> Warnings (Errors IO) (WithCommonOptions ParseCSources ParseCxxSources ParseJsSources a)
expandDefaults userDataDir = expand []
expandDefaults formatYamlParseError userDataDir = expand []
expand :: (FromValue a, Semigroup a, Monoid a) =>
Expand All @@ -1125,14 +1131,14 @@ expandDefaults userDataDir = expand []
file <- liftEither (ensure userDataDir dir defaults)
seen_ <- lift (checkCycle seen file)
let dir_ = takeDirectory file
decodeYaml file >>= expand seen_ dir_
decodeYaml formatYamlParseError file >>= expand seen_ dir_

checkCycle :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> Errors IO [FilePath]
checkCycle seen file = do
canonic <- liftIO $ canonicalizePath file
let seen_ = canonic : seen
when (canonic `elem` seen) $ do
throwE . const $ "cycle in defaults (" ++ intercalate " -> " (reverse seen_) ++ ")"
throwE $ CycleInDefaults (reverse seen_)
return seen_

toExecutableMap :: Monad m => String -> Maybe (Map String a) -> Maybe a -> Warnings m (Maybe (Map String a))
Expand Down

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