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ME 495: Embedded Systems in Robotics

Jordan Haskel, Lukai Jin, Jingyan Ling, James Sohn, Yichi Zhang

SEP 2018 - DEC 2018


This repo contains ROS packages needed to allow Baxter, manufactured by Rethink Robotics, to perform robust block pick and place using single digit handwritten numbers on the object.



  • Baxter
  • 1080p usb camera
  • Yellow 3x3 Post-it (10 ea.)
  • Pink 3x3 Post-it (1 ea.)
  • Black marker

Software requirement

  • Linux 18.04
  • ROS Melodic
  • OpenCV2

Highlevel description and included packages/files

Required package list

High level description

The functionality of the package consists of three individual packages that are not listed in the required package list.
baxterpicknumber ,number_rec, and face_detection. Below is the simpe explanation of what each package does.

  • numberrecog: Uses machine learning to predict which blocks say what number.
  • baxterpicknumber: Subscribes to the topics posted by and calls the blockLocator service displaying relative position of the object in the external usb camera frame, convert it to position of the object in real world and perform pick and place
  • face_detection: Uses OpenCV2 to recognize human face and relate specified number to corresponding face. Human face will eventually become input for Baxter to know which block to pick.

Package breakdown


Launch files

roslaunch number_rec numberrecog.launch: Starts usb_cam with the required arguments, It also starts the node . This launch file also starts publishing the camera calibration data for baxters left hand.

ar_tracker_launch: This starts the individualMarkersNoKinectnodes from the ar_track alvar package

Nodes This node subscribes to the topic posted by usb_cam from the overhead usb camera and uses opencv to extract the yellow squares and preprocess them so that they can be used for number recognition that was trained on MNIST numbers (28 pixels by 28 pixels, white number on black background) It also finds the pink square in pixel co-ordinates which is used for localisation to the ar tag. This node provides the pixel co-ordinates of a given number via the blockLocator service, It also publishes the poxel co-ordinates of the pink block to /pink_block_loc and the size of the pink block to pink to /pink_block


blockLocator.srv: this service uses a string to request a number and retruns a string with the x pixel co-ordinate, y co-ordinate, the width and the length of teh block in that order all seperated by '&'s


weights.csv: this file contains the weights for the machine learning algorithm trained to recognise hand written digits


Launch files

move_joint_target.launch: initiates MoveIt!, Baxterinterface and Rviz uses Modern_robotics library to solve inverse kinematics to maneuver Baxter's right gripper to designated location, grab the object and place it to designated drop off zone. converts the object location in the usb camera pixel frame into Baxter's world frame. Conversion is done in multiple steps of matrix transformation and tracking of AR tag. Both usb camera and built-in camera in Baxter's left hand track the AR tag providing the relationship between usb camera and Baxter coordinate. Then usb camera locates pik Post-It in the frame to build conversion factor between pixel in the usb camera and the real-world coordinate. The node accepts single-digit number as user input and perform locating, picking up and moving. has additional function in the node that decomposes double-digit user input to multiplication of multiple single digit numbers and perform locating, pickng up and moving. is another approach that one can choose to work with instead of using moveit's cartesianpath computation method. is another approach to motion plan with moveit's built-in motion planner.


Nodes uses webcam to capture a person's facial data. It will store frames in video stream as .jpg images to a folder with certain label corresponding to that person. functions needed for Including function to obtain image data from folders and store them into arrays, function to detect how many human faces existing in webcam's screen, etc. node contains functions for training images stored in the image folder to create a .yml training data. Then it will use that training data to predict human faces shown in the webcam, and relate them with stored label(that person's name), and send corresponding number to Baxter.

Demo video and package run instruction

Demo video

One can find demo video here

Project run instruction

Listed below is the series of commands to initiate the packages and run the required nodes and launch files.

  • Connection to Baxter: One can find detailed insturction of workstation setup here

  • Launch usb_cam and number recognition ( node
    roslaunch baxter_fun numberrecog.launch

  • Launch coordinate conversion node
    rosrun baxterpicknumber

  • Launch move and pick node
    roslaunch baxterpicknumber move_joint_target.launch

  • Run instruction after launch

    • Headup camera will show predictions of numbers in the workspace
    • Command line asks for remapping. If the number prediction looks correct, press n if not, press y for refresh.
    • Input single digit or double digit number depending on pixelconvert node one chooses to run.
    • Confirm the number again by pressing enter


Listed below are issues may affect demo and proceed accuracy.

  • Light may affect number recognition process. Default background for written numbers is bright yellow, and pink for frame reference.
  • Camera calibration and offset may affect target position of desired number.
  • If target position is published wrong from, Baxter may not find a valid solution since such position are out of workspace
  • At the end of this project, the face recognition feature was not added to the whole procedure for performance concerns. However, that package can still recognize faces perfectly. A topic need to be created for sending the number corresponding to certain person's face to the node.


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