Workspaces Create a workspace Source the main ros configuration (Access to ROS commands) $ source /opt/ros/your_ros_distro/setup.bash Create your workspace folder and initialize it $ mkdir -p ~/your_ws/src $ cd ~/your_ws/src $ catkin_init_workspace Build the workspace (empty) $ cd ~/catkin_ws/ $ catkin_make Source your workspace configuration $ source devel/setup.bash Check that everything points to your workspace $ printenv | grep ROS Clean workspace sudo rm -r build install devel Change between workspaces $ source /opt/ros/your_ros_distro/setup.bash $ source your_ws/devel/setup.bash $ printenv | grep ROS #Check the environment Structure of a workspace Source Space (src): Source code. Build Space (build): Where cmake is invoked. Development space (devel): Where built targets are placed prior to being installed (executables) Install space Result space