This demo showcases Kogito and Quarkus feautres for Cloud Native Business Automation Applications.
# Build Projects
mvn package
# Start pre-approval dmn decision service
java -jar qlb-loan-preapproval-dmn/target/qlb-loan-preapproval-dmn-1.0-runner.jar
# In another console, start the QLB UI
java -jar qlb-ui/target/qlb-ui-1.0-runner.jar
Open http://localhost:8082 to view it in the browser.
- The RHPAM Kogito Operator is installed in a new project
- The
OpenShift CLI is installed and you are logged in to the relevant OpenShift cluster. For oc installation and login instructions, see the OpenShift documentation. - You have access to the OpenShift web console with the necessary permissions to create and edit
# Build all projects
mvn package
# Create KogitoBuilds and KogitoRuntime for a binary deployment
oc create -f qlb-loan-preapproval-dmn/operator/qlb-loan-preapproval-dmn.yml
# Upload the built binary using the following command
oc start-build qlb-loan-preapproval-dmn --from-dir=qlb-loan-preapproval-dmn/target/
# Wait for the pods to be up & running, then locate the service route using this command
echo http://$(oc get route qlb-loan-preapproval-dmn --template='{{ }}')/swagger-ui
For detailed instructions on how to deploy and run this demo, please check the instructions available with each module