(This is effectively the same as the one from develop, but the versioning script wasn't picking it up correctly as 1.2.7)
- EULA fixes
- Added Slack integration on checkin/checkout (more actions coming soon)
- Fixes for #766 - add activity report
- Better DataTables handling of larger datasets
- Added DataTables TableTools
- Added zip/rar to accepted file types for file uploads
- Added Contributor Code of Conduct
- Update to Senry 2.1.5 for security vulnerability
- Added User Notes field to users
- Additional localization fixes
- Resolved some deps from vendor changes
- Removed unsupported languages for faster deployment
After copying over the new version, please don't forget to run:
php composer.phar install
php composer.phar dump-autoload
php artisan migrate
Also please delete the contents (not the directories themselves) of app/storage/views
and app/storage/cache