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OlgaCalderon edited this page Mar 31, 2023 · 7 revisions


This page includes information regarding the schemas in relation to this plugin.

Field types

These are the field types that are supported in the schemas for this plugin.

Type Details Returns
null Field of type null See Null values for details
boolean Field of type boolean Random boolean value
int Field of type int Random integer value
short Field of type short Random short value
long Field of type long Random long value
float Field of type float Random float value
double Field of type double Random double value
bytes Field of type bytes Random bytes value
string Field of type string Random string with a longitude of 20 characters
enum Field of type enum Random enum value based on the AVRO enum type definition
number Field of type number Random number value
array Field of type array See Arrays and maps for details on this field.
map Field of type map See Arrays and maps for details on this field.
timestamp Field of type timespan Random timestamp value
stringTimestamp Field of type string but coding a Timestamp formatted as string
longTimestamp Field of type long but coding a Timestamp formatted as long
uuid Field of type uuid Random UUID value
bytes_decimal Field of type bytes Random decimal with given precision and scale
fixed_decimal Field of type string Random decimal with given precision and scale
string_uuid Field of type string but coding a UUID Random UUID string
int_date Field of type int Random number of days representing a date between 1-1-1900 and 1-1-2100
int_time-millis Field of type int Random number of milliseconds representing an hour
long_time-micros Field of type long Random number of microseconds representing an hour
long_timestamp-millis Field of type long Random number of milliseconds representing a timestamp between 1-1-1900 and 1-1-2100
long_timestamp-micros Field of type long Random number of microseconds representing a timestamp between 1-1-1900 and 1-1-2100
long_local-timestamp-millis Field of type long Random number of milliseconds representing a timestamp between 1-1-1900 and 1-1-2100 in a local timezone
long_local-timestamp-micros Field fo type long Random number of microseconds representing a timestamp between 1-1-1900 and 1-1-2100 in a local timezone

Arrays and maps

The array and map types are shown as *-array and *-map, respectively, in the column Field Type. See each field on detail in the next table.

Notes for array fields:

  • Arrays appear in the Field Name column with [] at the end of the field name (i.e. metadata.extensions.flows[].correlation[]).
  • The sample data for array fields will be generated using the data included in Field Values List as a comma separated value list.

Notes for map fields:

  • Maps appear in the Field Name colum with [:] at the end of the field name (i.e. metadata.extensions.flows[].correlation[:]).
  • The sample data for map fields will be generated using the data included in Field Values List as a comma separated value list. These values can be sets of pairs key:value (key1:value, key2:value, key3:value) or just as a set of keys (key1,key2,key3). In this last case, the values will be randomly generated following the applicable constraints.
Type Details Returns
int-array Field of type array of Int Random-sized array of randomly generated integers
long-array Field of type array of Long Random-sized array of randomly generated longs
double-array Field of type array of Double Random-sized array of randomly generated doubles
short-array Field of type array of Short Random-sized array of randomly generated shorts
number-array Field of type array of Number Random-sized array of randomly generated numbers
float-array Field of type array of Float Random-sized array of randomly generated floats
string-array Field of type array of String Random-sized array of randomly generated strings
uuid-array Field of type array of UUIDs Random-sized array of randomly generated UUIDs
boolean-array Field of type array of Boolean Random-sized array of randomly generated booleans
int-map Field of type map of String, Int Random-sized map of randomly generated pairs of string, integer
long-map Field of type map of String, Long Random-sized map of randomly generated pairs of string, long
double-map Field of type map of String, Double Random-sized map of randomly generated pairs of string, double
short-map Field of type map of String, Short Random-sized map of randomly generated pairs of string, short
number-map Field of type map of String, Number Random-sized map of randonmy generated pairs of string, number
float-map Field of type map of String, Float Random-sized map of randomly generated pairs of string, float
string-map Field of type map of String, String Random-sized map of randomly generated pairs of string, string
uuid-map Field of type map of String, UUID Random-sized map of randomly generated pairs of string, UUID
boolean-map Field of type map of String, Boolean Random-sized map of randomly generated pairs of string, boolean

Special field types

Arrays and maps combined

You can also have these special types:

  • An array of maps, (*)-map-array, following this pattern: ArrayOfMaps[ArraySize][MapSize:].
  • A map of arrays, (*)-array-map, following this pattern: MapOfArrays[MapSize:][ArraySize].

Pay attention to the colon. Arrays do not have colon, maps do. The size for maps is set to the left of the colon ([8:]).


A special type has also been created, seq, to allow creating a custom sequence of values.

In order to create a sequence, you need to specify seq as Field Type.

In previous versions (up to 4.0.0), typing { in Field Values List was another requirement in order to create sequences. This is no longer required or supported.

Type Details Returns
seq Generates a numeric sequence starting in 1. Will cast to the AVRO Field Type Returns a sequence starting in 1

Note: If you want to specify a starting value, put it in the Field Values List field.

Sequences don't accept more than one value in the Field Values List field.

Keep in mind to avoid Cast exceptions.

This screenshot shows an example of how KLoadGen generates sequences:

Sequence generator

The field name will be generated as sequences from 1 to 5.


It has also been created a new type of field, it, to allow creating a custom iterator of values.

In order to create an iterator, you need to specify it as Field Type.

Type Details Returns
it Generates and iteration of values. It will return null if it doesn't find a value in the Field Values List field Returns an iteration of the given values

Date and Time types

Every kind of schema manage date and time types in a different way when they are passed as constant values from JMeter, at the moment of random values generation:

  • Avro has its own dates system, so it's no necessary implement anything.
  • In Json, these types are implemented as a String with a specific format properly defined by KLoadGen.
  • For Protobuf definition, KLoadGen only supports Date and TimeOfDay. The rest of types are in development.
    • If specific values wants to be passed from JMeter they must be strings compatibles with ISO_LOCAL_DATE for Date and ISO_LOCAL_TIME or ISO_OFFSET_TIME for TimeOfDay.
    • If the offset is indicated (for example 10:20:30-04:00), the value of return will have the amount of time subtracted or added it. Otherwise, the offset value will be established by default according to local zone.

Null values

KLoadGen supports the use of null values in Field Values List for any optional field defined in a schema.

This applies to any field defined as "type": ["null", AnyType] in an AVRO schema or as optional in a PROTOBUF schema, or to any field not included in the required array in a JSON Schema structure, that has null included in the corresponding Field Values List.

This feature works with simple fields, such as string, and also with further complex structures, such as a string field inside a record field.

There are, though, two exceptions.

Complex objects with optional children

If you have a complex object —such as a map, array or record— defined as required and all of its children fields are optional, there could be a conflict if all these children fields receive null in their FieldValueList. Since an object with all of its fields set to null is equivalent to a null object, the required status of the parent object will be violated.

In case this situation happens, the last child of the object will be generated as it would not have received null in FieldValueList.

Let's see an example of this:

O1-Not Required{
    C1-Not Required,
    C2-Not Required

In the example above, both the children fields 'C1' and 'C2' receive null in their FieldValuesList. Therefore, the result will be O1: null, because none of the involved fields is required.

    C3-Not Required
    C4-Not Required

Here, both the children fields 'C3' and 'C4' receive null in their FieldValueList, violating the required status of 'O2'. In this case, the last child will be forcely generated as if it didn't receive null. Therefore, the final result will be O2: {C3: null, C4: ramdonValue}.

    C5-Not Required
    O4-Not Required{
        C6-Not Required
        C7-Not Required

The same applies when there is more than one level. The last child in the last level will be forcely generated as a random value in order to avoid the violation of the main object. In this case, C7 is the value that gets changed. Therefore, the final result will be O3: {C5: null, O4: {C6: null, C7: ramdonValue}} ('04' automatically changes as per the change in 'C7').

JSON Schema

The other exception applies to JSON Schema: in order to support nullvalues, the collections within objects (type : object) cannot be null. Therefore, they will be required by default and they will be initialized as an empty collection if the object than contains them is not null.

Within JSON Schema, a maximum of 2 nesting levels is allowed.

Protobuf Schema - Schema Registry

If you need use the Protobuf Schema with the Schema Registry, you must put the subject with the same name as the protobuf file, as the following example:

    "schema": "...",
    "schemaType": "PROTOBUF",
    "references": [
      "name": "[the_name_you_want].proto",
      "subject": "[the_name_you_want]",
      "version": ...

This example is based on a petition from Schema Registry