My project is essentially a real-time weather simulation, encompassing various attributes of weather such as wind, rain, thunder, and snow. It is completely extendable in that others can use it as a foundation to work upon.
Since the time the final project was introduced to us in class by the Professor, I was quite adamant about creating some kind of a graphics or data visualization or simulation. Moreover, due to Illinois's weather undergoing major fluctuations, and its unusual weather patterns, I thought it would be intriguing and exciting to model a weather simulation of my own, with complete liberty to manipulate different attributes of weather.
This project was built using C++ in Xcode with libraries and add-ons from Openframeworks.
Once you get the code up and running, there's a control panel on the top left where you can change and play around with the different attributes of weather. If a trackpad doesn't suit your fancy, no problem! You have the liberty to use your keyboard too! Simply press 'h' to look up the instructions manual which informs you what key serves what purpose.
For understanding how OpenGL and its various geometric primitives function, I used this book and this for the geometric primitives.
For understanding how particle systems operate, this helped me visualize the overall design and attributes of my weather particles.
For camera and positioning, this and the ofNode class came to my rescue.