A lightweight framework for fooling around with GLSL-shaders, mainly designed for demos.
Current features:
- Includes in glsl
- Nesting supported
- Error lines parsed into vscode links per file on some drivers
- Filepath and raw error line otherwise
- Dynamic uniform edit UI
Hungarian notation uniforms are picked upbool
- Auto-reloading shaders when sources change
- Gpu-"profiler"
- Timing instances can't be interleaved because GL_TIMESTAMP doesn't work on OSX
- Music playback and sync using SDL_mixer
- Rocket-interface
uniforms usingr*
Hungarian notation are picked up
- Mercury's hg_sdf included for CSG
- Basic built-in shaders
- Noise, prng
- Physically based BRDF for shading
- SDF font rendering
I have used emoon's as my Rocket-server.
- Vapor - sndels
- Veipör - fugtional
- Cubnature - as graffa bois
- Rekursiivinen Templete - as graffa bois
- Twos Complement - as graffa bois
Building requires SDL dependencies and on linux libasound2-dev
. SDL, SDL_mixer, dear imgui, Rocket and gl3w are submodules with their respective licenses.
The CMake-build should work™ on Linux (Ninja) and Windows 10 (Visual Studio 2022).