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Raphael Kiffer edited this page May 5, 2015 · 1 revision

The Smartable Interface

The droid4me LifeCycle framework has been designed to be extensible regarding the core Android Activity and Fragment entities. We do not want to impose the developer to necessarily start from the provided Activity and Fragment sub-classes. By the way, you can start designing your own Acitivty/Fragment entities by inheriting from the built-in SmartXXXActivity and SmartXXXFragment classes (all the ones implementing the Smartable interface).

This is the reason why the framework needs an entry point for being able to design an Activity or a Fragment, and this entry point is the Smartable interface. This interface is a composite interface: among its ancestors is the LifeCycle interface.

Any class implementing that interface properly is considered to be "droid4me-ready" (or "droid4me-compliant"), and will be considered by the framework as a first-class citizen component.

The Smarted interface

This interface is an ancestor of the Smartable interface, and it offers 5 features:

  • an aggregate: it enables to provide and extract common data from an entity, and is typically used by the ActivityInterceptor, which can handle it is a generic way through the entity life cycle events ;
  • an Android Handler which is useful when some piece of code requires to be run in the UI thread ;
  • a registerBroadcastListeners() method, which enables to register some BroadcastListeners (a BroadcastListener is just a wrapper around the Android built-in BroadcastReceiver) ;
  • a getMenuCommands() which enables to declare how the entity contributes to the Android menu system ;
  • a onException() method which enables to capture in one place all exceptions which may be thrown by the entity.

The Droid4mizer

We need to have an easy and effective way to make an existing Activity or Fragment droid4me-ready: this is the reason of the Droid4mizer component. The Droid4mizer is a class, which implements all of the Smartable interface methods.

How to make use of it

When an Activity/Fragment class needs to be droid4me-ready, the developer just needs to:

  1. make the entity implement the Smartable interface,
  2. embed a Droid4mizer attribute as an aggregate in the target entity, initialize that Droid4mizer inside the onCreate()/onAttach() method,
  3. implement all the Smartable interface methods. Implement them by mostly delegating the execution to the Droid4mizer attribute, except for some of the following LifeCycle and Smarted interface methods, where you need to implement the entity own logic: * LifeCycle.onRetrieveDisplayObjects(), * LifeCycle.onRetrieveBusinessObjects(), * LifeCycle.onFulfillDisplayObjects(), * LifeCycle.onSynchronizeDisplayObjects(), * `Smarted.getMenuCommands().
  4. override the Activity/Fragment entity following methods: * Activity.onCreate()/Fragment.onCreate(), * Activity.onNewIntent(), * Activity.onContentChanged(), * Activity.onResume()/Fragment.onResume(), * Activity.onSaveInstanceState()/Fragment.onSaveInstanceState(), * Activity.onStart()/Fragment.onStart(), * Activity.onPause()/Fragment.onPause(), * Activity.onStop()/Fragment.onStop(), * Activity.onDestroy()/Fragment.onDestroy(), * Activity.onCreateOptionsMenu()/Fragment.onCreateOptionsMenu(), * Activity.onPrepareOptionsMenu()/Fragment.onPrepareOptionsMenu(), * Activity.onOptionsItemSelected()/Fragment.onOptionsItemSelected(), * Activity.onContextItemSelected()/Fragment.onContextItemSelected(), * Activity.onActivityResult()/Fragment.onActivityResult().

Replicate what has been done in the SmartActivity and the SmartFragment classes, just copy and paste and adapt. Most of the time, you will need to introduce an intermediate abstract class, which does the work, and let the derived classes implement the above methods own logic. As always in Android, if you intend to override any method, please always consider invoking its parent implementation.

What it does for you

This adds a bit of complexity in your bases class (this is the price to pay to get the framework working for non built-in entities), but this way, you may take whatever Activity/Fragment base class, and turn it into a droid4me-ready class, and start taking benefit of the framework.

Once you have made your Activity/Fragment droid4me-ready thanks to the Droid4mizer component, you are given the following features:

  • you take benefit of the LifeCycle entity life-cycle framework ;
  • you are given the ActivityController services, namely:
    • any exception thrown during your method implementation will be handled by the ExceptionHandler,
    • any starting Activity may be redirected via the ActivityController Redirector,
    • all the Activity/Fragment life cycle events are caught by the ActivityController Interceptor ;
  • the background internal threads are handled by the SmartCommands high-priority worker threads pool ;
  • you may register BroadcastListener instances is a very simple way ;
  • the Android menu may be handled by the MenuHandler component ;
  • the logging may be handled by the LoggerFactory component.
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