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Fluvius P1 to MQTT

MQTT client for Fluvius smart energy meter (DSMR5) - "Slimme Meter". Written in Python 3.x

Connect Smart Meter via a P1 USB cable to e.g. Raspberry Pi

Application will continuously read energy meter and parse telegrams which are send onto a MQTT broker

Includes Home Assistant MQTT Auto Discovery

Supported data fields:

OBIS CODE Description MQTT Tag Unit
0-0:96.1.4 Version information version
0-0:96.1.1 Equipment identifier serial
0-0:1.0.0 Meter timestamp value and Meter timestamp DST meter_ts_val;meter_ts_dst
0-0: Number power failures power_failures
0-0: Number long power failures long_power_failures
0-0:96.14.0 Tariff indicator electricity tariff_indicator
1-0:21.7.0 Instantaneous active power L1 +P P_L1_cons kW
1-0:41.7.0 Instantaneous active power L2 +P P_L2_cons kW
1-0:61.7.0 Instantaneous active power L3 +P P_L3_cons kW
1-0:22.7.0 Instantaneous active power L1 -P P_L1_prod kW
1-0:42.7.0 Instantaneous active power L2 -P P_L2_prod kW
1-0:62.7.0 Instantaneous active power L3 -P P_L3_prod kW
1-0:1.7.0 Actual electricity power delivered +P P_cons kW
1-0:2.7.0 Actual electricity power received -P P_prod kW
0-1:24.2.1 Gas consumption [m\u00b3] gas_cons kW
0-1:96.1.0 Equipment Identifier serial
1-0:1.8.1 Electricity consumed (Tariff 1) elec_cons_t1 kWh
1-0:1.8.2 Electricity consumed (Tariff 2) elec_cons_t2 kWh
1-0:2.8.1 Electricity produced (Tariff 1) elec_prod_t1 kWh
1-0:2.8.2 Electricity produced (Tariff 2) elec_prod_t2 kWh
1-0:1.8.3 Electricity consumed elec_cons kWh
1-0:2.8.3 Electricity produced elec_prod kWh
1-0:32.7.0 Instantaneous voltage L1 V_L1 V
1-0:52.7.0 Instantaneous voltage L2 V_L2 V
1-0:72.7.0 Instantaneous voltage L3 V_L3 V
1-0:31.7.0 Instantaneous current L1 I_L1 A
1-0:51.7.0 Instantaneous current L2 I_L2 A
1-0:71.7.0 Instantaneous current L3 I_L3 A
1-0:32.36.0 Number of voltage swells L1 V_L1_sw
1-0:52.36.0 Number of voltage swells L2 V_L2_sw
1-0:72.36.0 Number of voltage swells L3 V_L3_sw
1-0:32.32.0 Number of voltage sags L1 V_L1_sa
1-0:52.32.0 Number of voltage sags L2 V_L2_sa
1-0:72.32.0 Number of voltage sags L3 V_L3_sa
0-0:96.3.10 Breaker state breaker
0-0:17.0.0 Limiter threshold limiter
1-0:31.4.0 Fuse supervision threshold L1 fuse
0-0:96.13.0 Text message text
1-0:1.6.0 Monthly peak timestamp, Monthly peak DST and Monthly peak value m_peak_ts;m_peak_dst;m_peak_val kW
0-0:98.1.0 Historical peaks historical_peaks
1-0:1.4.0 Current average demand avg_dem kW

In, specify:

  • Which messages to be parsed
  • Description and units
  • MQTT topics and tags
  • MQTT broadcast frequency
  • Possible multiplications to apply to the measurements
  • Auto discovery for Home Assistant

A typical MQTT message broadcasted with meter data

    "I_L1": 2.81,
    "P_L1_cons": 0.564,
    "P_L1_prod": 0,
    "P_cons": 0.564,
    "P_prod": 0,
    "V_L1": 235.8,
    "avg_dem": 0.39,
    "breaker": "1",
    "elec_cons": 9161.176,
    "elec_cons_t1": 4567.905,
    "elec_cons_t2": 4593.271,
    "elec_prod": 6488.214,
    "elec_prod_t1": 4593.161,
    "elec_prod_t2": 1895.053,
    "fuse": 999,
    "limiter": 999.9,
    "m_peak_dst": "S",
    "m_peak_ts": 231005190000,
    "m_peak_val": 3.924,
    "meter_ts_dst": "S",
    "meter_ts_val": 231012214128,
    "serial": "1SAG0000000262",
    "tariff_indicator": "0001",
    "text": "",
    "timestamp": 1697139688,
    "version": "50217"

A typical MQTT message broadcasted with Home Assistant configuration

    "unique_id": "m_peak",
    "state_topic": "fluvius_262/elec",
    "name": "Monthly peak",
    "value_template": "{{ value_json.m_peak_val }}",
    "icon": "mdi:gauge",
    "device": {
        "identifiers": [

A virtual DSMR parameter is implemented (el_consumed and el_returned, which is sum of tarif1 and tarif2 (nacht/low en dag/normal tariff)) - as some have a dual tariff meter, while energy company administratively considers this as a mono tarif meter.

In, specify:

  • MQTT server details
  • Logging level
  • Auto discovery on/off
-Please open your P1 port through the Fluvius portal:
-See Poortbeheer > Check that "Poort open"


  • paho-mqtt
  • pyserial
  • python 3.x

Test the USB connection before starting the scripts:

  • Install packages and dependencies:

    • sudo apt-get install -y python3-paho-mqtt python3-serial python3-pip python3-crcmod python3-tabulatesudo
    • pip3 install paho-mqtt --usersudo
    • pip3 install persist-queue --user
    • sudo chmod o+rw /dev/ttyUSB0
  • Test if you can read the P1 with your USB device:

    • python3 -m /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 --xonxoff
  • Results should be:

     --- Miniterm on /dev/ttyUSB0  115200,8,N,1 ---
     --- Quit: Ctrl+] | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H ---


  • Install Python packages:

    • sudo pip3 install paho-mqtt --user
    • sudo pip3 install persist-queue --user
  • Install from Git and configure:

  • Adapt ExecStart under [Service] to ExecStart=/opt/fluvius2mqtt/

    • sudo cp -p systemd/fluvius-mqtt.service /etc/systemd/system
  • Edit the MQTT configuration and know that the MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX = "fluvius" with last 3 digits of meter serial will show these messages as topic fluvius_XXX/. Configuration will be shown as homeassistant/sensor/fluvius_XXX/

    • sudo cp -p && sudo vi
  • Test locally if everything is working properly

    • python3
      user@server:/opt/fluvius2mqtt $ python3 
      fluvius-mqtt INFO: FUNCTION:<module> LINE:70: Starting /opt/fluvius2mqtt/; version = 1.0.0
      fluvius-mqtt.mqtt.mqtt INFO: FUNCTION:__init__ LINE:103: >> paho-mqtt version = 1.5.1
      fluvius-mqtt.mqtt.mqtt INFO: FUNCTION:__init__ LINE:117: MQTT Client ID = mqtt-fluvius
      fluvius-mqtt.P1_serial INFO: FUNCTION:__init__ LINE:68: Using USB device /dev/ttyUSB0 with baud 115200
      fluvius-mqtt.mqtt.mqtt INFO: FUNCTION:__internet_on LINE:229: Internet connectivity to MQTT broker at port 1883 available
      fluvius-mqtt.mqtt.mqtt INFO: FUNCTION:run LINE:576: Start mqtt loop...
      fluvius-mqtt.hadiscovery INFO: FUNCTION:run LINE:158: Home Assistant config discovery is enabled
      fluvius-mqtt.P1_parser INFO: FUNCTION:__decode_telegram_element LINE:162: Found 40 OBIS codes in to parse from the meter
      fluvius-mqtt.P1_parser INFO: FUNCTION:__decode_telegram_element LINE:175: Meter type found = /FLU5\253770234_A with DSMR version = 50217
      fluvius-mqtt.P1_parser INFO: FUNCTION:__decode_telegram_element LINE:176: Meter serial found = 1SAG0000000262. Unless changed, the last 3 characters "262" are appended to your MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX in
      fluvius-mqtt.P1_parser INFO: FUNCTION:__publish_telegram LINE:78: MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX used for publishing data = fluvius_262/
  • Enable and start the service

    • sudo systemctl enable fluvius-mqtt
    • sudo systemctl start fluvius-mqtt
  • And check if it is running properly

    • sudo systemctl status fluvius-mqtt
      user@server:/opt/fluvius2mqtt $ sudo systemctl status fluvius-mqtt
      fluvius-mqtt.service - Fluvius smart energy meter P1
       Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/fluvius-mqtt.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
       Active: active (running) since Tue 2023-09-26 22:21:06 CEST; 18h ago
       Main PID: 1026 (
        Tasks: 6 (limit: 1595)
          CPU: 56.349s
       CGroup: /system.slice/fluvius-mqtt.service
               └─1026 /usr/bin/python3 /opt/fluvius2mqtt/

Use to test & inspect MQTT messages or use the MQTT browser from within Home Assistant

A test/dsmr.raw simulation file is provided. Set PRODUCTION = False in to use the simulation file. In that case, no P1/serial connection is required.

Tested under Debian/Raspbian. Tested with DSMR v5.0 meter in Belgium. For other DSMR versions, needs to be adapted. For all SMR specs, see Fluvius or netbeheer


GPL v3




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