Arjun Sanyal [email protected] Josh Mandel [email protected]
This is the patient-facing SMART Glucose Logbook App. It runs as a
standalone Python WSGI app and also includes metadata to make running on
AppFog simple, but it can be run easily on other cloud hosting
platforms. It integrates with Microsoft HealthVault for patient
authentication and for storage of the patient's personal health data via
the healthvault_py
Python library which included as a git submodule.
Both reading and writing of data to the patient's HealthVault account is
The app is written with the support of the AngularJS "framework" and the code is organized using a stripped-down version of the angular-seed sample repository. The visualization are written using the D3 JavaScript visualization and interaction library.
- Document HealthVault setup
- The /app, /config, /logs, /scripts, /test directories are from
This file describes the dependecies (including versions) for this app. Without it AppFog's virtual server's wouldn't have the libraries installed that this app needs.
flask==0.8 pycrypto==2.6 lxml==2.3.4
- Defines the configuration parameters for the desired AppFog instance
- Change the file for your preferred settings
You must have root permissions to run the app locally since it is
configured by default to listen on port 80. You can change this in the
script. To start on localhost port 80:
$ sudo python
Assuming you have the AppFog commadline app installed and are logged in using it, updating and starting the app should be simply:
$ af apps
$ af push <your-app-name>
$ af update <your-app-name> --debug
$ af logs <your-app-name> --all