TDBoW is an forked version of the DBow2 library, an open source C++ library for indexing and converting pointcloud (or image) into a bag-of-word representation. It implements a hierarchical tree for approximating nearest neighbours in the feature space and creating a feature vocabulary. TDBoW also implements an image database with inverted and direct files to index pointclouds (or images) and enabling quick queries and feature comparisons. The main differences with the previous DBow2 library are:
- TDBoW support 3D descriptor calculated from pointcloud.
- TDBoW classes don't need to inheritance the templated base class, since TDBoW using Eigen for common represent.
- TDBoW won't compile with OpenCV any more, although it can still
easily used based on
. - TDBoW now support transform descriptors in multiple threads, but this won't perform better when in few descriptors. Multiple threads query for different is support.
- TDBoW add binary I/O support, and compress the vocabulary using LZ4 algorithm in default when binary output, which is included by FLANN. On the other hand, it can still use YAML format for friendly reading. Specially, the DBoW2 vocabulary is supported for reading.
- TDBoW using k-means Ⅱ replaced k-means++.
- Some pieces of code have been rewritten to optimize speed. The interface of TDBoW has been simplified. TDBoW do not support compile version less than c++11.
- Stop words won't lose IDF information any more.
(Still work-in-progress) TDBoW, along with TDLoopDetector, has been tested on several real datasets, yielding an execution time of 3 ms to convert the BRIEF features of an image into a bag-of-words vector and 5 ms to look for image matches in a database with more than 19000 images.
TDBoW requires Eigen, FLANN, yaml-cpp and Boost-filesystem.
This is only valid in Debian Systems, other platform should manually install these tools. Note that all the prerequisites are included in ROS-desktop-full, so ROS users can skip this.
TDBoW use CMake to compile
sudo apt install build-essential cmake
Several thirdparty libraries are required
sudo apt install libboost-filesystem-dev libflann-dev libyaml-cpp-dev libeigen3-dev
(Optional) TDBoW can be used as a catkin package, so catkin is also supported
sudo apt install catkin python-nose
sudo apt install python-catkin-tools # (Optional) Require ROS apt source
(Optional) We implement the TDBoW in both PC (3D) and CV (2D) mode, so the features extraction libraries is up to your application, PCL and OpenCV is recommended.
Using CMake
git clone
mkdir TDBoW/build && cd TDBoW/build
cmake ..
make -j
Using Catkin, catkin workspace is required
git clone
catkin build # Or you can use native catkin_make
If you use this software in an academic work, please cite:
@ARTICLE{Still work-in-progress}
author={G\'alvez-L\'opez, Dorian and Tard\'os, J. D.},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Robotics},
title={Bags of Binary Words for Fast Place Recognition in Image Sequences},
TDBoW implements the same weighting and scoring mechanisms as DBow2.
Different from DBoW2, only vocabularies can be saved to and load from disk in TDBoW. Since TDBoW support multiple format I/O, it support automatically decide the file format from the extension.
When using yaml format, you can also load the vocabulary data from file opened with a cv::FileStorage
You can save the vocabulary with any file extension. If you using binary(default), the data will default to be compressed by LZ4 algorithm.
TDBoW has two main classes: TemplatedVocabulary
and TemplatedDatabase
. These implement the features
vocabulary to convert pointclouds (or images) into bag-of-words vectors and the database to index images.
These classes are templated:
template <typename TScalar, size_t L>
class TemplatedVocabulary {
template <class TemplatedVocabulary>
class TemplatedDatabase {
Two parameters must be provided: TScalar
is the data scalar type of the descriptor, and L
is the
length of descriptor in TScalar
For example, to work with cv::ORB
descriptors, which contained by 256 bits (32 bytes). The descriptor
is designed as Eigen::Matrix<uint8_t, 1, 32, Eigen::RowMajor>
, so we set TScalar
to uint8_t
, and
set L
as 32
Default meanValue
, distance
, toString
and fromString
methods are already
implemented, but can still easily override by lambda methods.
PCL is a very active open source library, which contains many kinds of pointcloud descriptors implement. So we add PCBridge.h for PCL users. More details of the usage can be founded in pc_demo.
OpenCV is a very strong library, which contains many kinds of image descriptors implement. So we add CVBridge.h for OpenCV users. More details can be founded in cv_demo.