id: integer,
name: string,
email: string
password: string
campaign_id: integer,
campaign_name: string,
goal: decimal,
description: string,
campaign_length: integer,
category: string,
sub_category: string,
country: string
goal: decimal,
campaign_length: integer,
category: string
sub_category: string,
country: string
Endpoint - /api/auth/register
Required in body: name, email & password
name: 'name',
email: '[email protected]'
password: 'password'
Status 201 - Success
Returns the new user that was created
auth: {
id: 1,
name: 'name',
email: '[email protected]'
Status 400 - Bad Request
If email exists
message: 'user already exists, please log in!'
If email or password is missing
'apiCode': 400,
'apiMessage': 'username or password missing'
Endpoint - /api/auth/login
Required in body: email & password
email: '[email protected]',
password: 'password'
Status 200 - Success
Returns a message, user data and JSON web token. Include { 'authorization': 'Bearer ' } in request headers to access restricted endpoints
message: 'Welcome to the api',
auth: {
id: 1,
name: 'name',
email: '[email protected]'
token: 'eyJhbGciOi...jfEkQoOGJgTkg'
Status 400 - Bad Request
If email or password missing
'apiCode': 400,
'apiMessage': "username or password invalid"
Endpoint - /api/users/:id/campaigns - Restricted
Status 200 - Success
Returns an array of campaigns
campaign_id: 1,
campaign_name: Sample Campaign Name,
goal: 10000,
description: Sample description,
campaign_length: 20,
category: Sample Category,
sub_category: Sample Sub Category,
country: Sample Country,
user_id: 1
Endpoint - /api/users/:id/campaigns - Restricted
Required in body: campaign_name, goal, description, campaign_length, category, sub category, and country
campaign_name: Sample Campaign Name,
goal: 10000,
description: Sample description,
campaign_length: 20,
category: Sample Category,
sub_category: Sample Sub Category,
country: Sample Country
Status 200 - Success
Return the new campaign that was created
campaign_id: 1,
campaign_name: Sample Campaign Name,
goal: 10000,
description: Sample description,
campaign_length: 20,
category: Sample Category,
sub_category: Sample Sub Category,
country: Sample Country,
user_id: 1
Status 400 - Bad Request
If the user does not have any campaigns
apiCode: 400,
apiMessage: 'missing campaign fields'
Endpoint - /api/users/:id/campaigns/:campaign_id - Restricted
Status 200 - Success
Returns the updated campaign with given campaign_id
updatedCampaign: {
campaign_id: 1,
campaign_name: Sample Campaign Name,
goal: 10000,
description: Sample description,
campaign_length: 20,
category: Sample Category,
sub_category: Sample Sub Category,
country: Sample Country,
user_id: 1
message: 'campaign updated'
Endpoint - /api/users/:id/campaigns/:campaign_id - Restricted
Status 200 - Success
Deletes the campaign with the given campaign_id (If the user has more than one campaign it will delete the campaign with the given campaign_id and returns an array of the remainder campaigns)
campaigns: []
message: 'campaign deleted'
Endpoint - /api/users/:id/campaigns/:campaign_id/prediction - Restricted
Required in body: goal, campaign_length, category, sub category, and country
goal: 10000,
campaign_length: 20,
category: Sample Category
sub_category: Sample Sub Category,
country: Sample Country
Status 200 - Success
Returns a prediction of either 0 or 1 to determine success
prediction: 0