Auxiliary scripts for Katello 2.x or Red Hat Satellite 6 admins
- Exports list of erratas for systems in specifed organization into CSV file.
- Rails task written for Foreman (v1.8) hooks. Can be executed by a shell script placed in
. - Removes provisioning interface from VM deployed by Foreman and assign provisionig feature to primary interface.
- Add provisioning interface during Rebuild action.
- Execution:
/usr/sbin/foreman-rake "prov_vm:prov_iface[\"${object}\",\"`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`\",\"add\"]" --trace >> /tmp/hook_rake.log 2>&1 &
- Temlpates for provision RHEL 6, RHEL 7, Centos 7 and SLES 11 SP3.
- Works with SafeMode enabled.