- NodeJS:
- NPM:
npm install -g npm
From the projects root directory, run:
npm install
to install dependenciesnpm start
to run the project
During the test we want you to imagine yourself as a member of our team, with a collective goal of getting our tasks completed.
When we have reviewed your test, and any accompanying documents you feel necessary, if we like what we see, we’ll invite you to join us for a video conversation during which we’ll ask you to go through your test, explaining any decisions that you made.
Let’s start!
We are in the middle of the sprint and the following user story was just assigned to you:
Launchpad is the first screen a client's user sees when they open up their browser - it uses the client's branding and presents the user with the ability to search, have quick access to popular apps and browse the latest news articles.
Via the Client Dashboard, a client can login and control certain parts of Launchpad by filling out a form - very powerful stuff, but with the client unable to visualise their changes without hitting the Save button, it's led to some embarrassing typos.
- Let the client preview their changes before submitting the form
- Primary colour field should change the colour of the login button, search button and 'Popular on the web' text
- Selecting a logo should replace the logo above the search field
- Search placeholder text should change the text displayed in the search field
- Toggling the Quick Links checkbox should show/hide the popular apps
- We're not sure how to preview the Article Limit field - any ideas?
- Username: user1
- Password: pa55word
Now it’s your turn. See how many of the acceptance criteria points you can tackle - try to commit regularly so we can better understand your thought process. We love clean code and also highly appreciate good communication at all times so, if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.