An implementation of the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) in pure swift, based on swift-nio and async-http-client.
This library allows you to communicate with virtually any network printer directly without any drivers or OS dependencies. It provides an easy API for encoding and exchanging IPP 1.1 requests and responses and a flexible, swifty way to work with attributes in a stongly-typed manner.
WARNING: This package is fresh out of oven, you'll be part of the battle-testing phase. See the implementation status below.
// Add to package dependencies
.package(url: "", from: "0.1.0"),
// Add to your target depencies
dependencies: [
.product(name: "IppClient", package: "ipp-nio"),
The library's feature set is roughly organized in four layers:
- IppRequest/IppResponse encoding and decoding into the IPP wire format
- Flexibly typed attribute accessors based on the semantic model
- A simple high-level API to execute common operations directly (ie: print this file)
- The actual implementation using HTTPClient as the transfer mechanism to execute IPP operations via HTTP
import struct Foundation.Data
import IppClient
let printer = IppPrinter(
httpClient: HTTPClient(configuration: .init(certificateVerification: .none)),
uri: "ipps://my-printer/ipp/print"
let pdf = try Data(contentsOf: .init(fileURLWithPath: "myfile.pdf"))
let response = try await printer.printJob(
documentFormat: "application/pdf",
data: .bytes(pdf)
if response.statusCode.class == .successful {
print("Print job submitted")
} else {
print("Print job failed with status \(response.statusCode) \(response[operation: \.statusMessage])")
var jobAttributes = IppAttributes()
jobAttributes[\.jobTemplate.copies] = 2
jobAttributes[\.jobTemplate.orientationRequested] = .landscape
jobAttributes["some-custom-thing"] = .init(.keyword("some-value"))
let response = try await printer.printJob(
documentName: "myfile.pdf",
jobAttributes: jobAttributes,
data: .stream(myFileAsStream)
let response = try await printer.printJob(data: .bytes(myData))
guard let jobId = response[job: \.jobId] else { exit(1) }
let job = printer.job(jobId)
while true {
let response = try await job.getJobAttributes(requestedAttributes: [.jobState])
guard let jobState = response[job: \.jobState] else {
print("Failed to get job state")
switch jobState {
case .aborted, .canceled, .completed:
print("Job ended with state \(jobState)")
print("Job state is \(jobState)")
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(3))
// "basic" mode
let printer = IppPrinter(
httpClient: HTTPClient(configuration: .init(certificateVerification: .none)),
uri: "ipps://my-printer/ipp/print",
authentication: .basic(username: "user", password: "top-secret")
// "requesting-user" mode
let printer = IppPrinter(
httpClient: HTTPClient(configuration: .init(certificateVerification: .none)),
uri: "ipps://my-printer/ipp/print",
authentication: .requestingUser(username: "user")
import IppProtocol
import NIOCore
var request = IppRequest(
version: .v1_1,
operationId: .holdJob,
requestId: 1
request[.operation][.attributesCharset] = .init(.charset("utf-8"))
request[.operation][.attributesNaturalLanguage] = .init(.naturalLanguage("en-us"))
request[.operation][.printerUri] = .init(.uri("ipp://localhost:631/printers/ipp-printer"))
request[.job]["my-crazy-attribute"] = .init(.enumValue(420), .enumValue(69))
var bytes = ByteBuffer()
request.write(to: &bytes)
let read = try! IppRequest(buffer: &bytes)
print(request == read) // true
Most printers are discoverable via DNS-SD/Bonjour, any DNS-SD browser should show their information. (eg: Discovery for macOS).
The rp
value is the URL path (usually /ipp/print
), the scheme is always ipp://
or ipps://
On macOS, shared printers are also exposed via IPP. (ie: any printer can be a network printer with a server in the middle)
The basic, low-level encoding and transfer is robust and should fulfill all needs. The semantic model only covers the most basic attributes for now, but can be extended quite easily as needed.
Since the library is written with custom extensions in mind, it should be quite simple to extend to any use case even without direct support.
- consistent documentation
- top-level APIs for all operations
- support for CUPS operations
- support IPP 2.x features
Anything you would like to have added? Just ping me, also "pull requests welcome" ^^