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Explainer: Trusted Types for DOM Manipulation

The Problem

As described in Christoph Kern's "Securing the Tangled Web", Google has been fairly successful at combating DOM-based XSS attacks by relying on a set of typed objects instead of strings to represent HTML snippets, URLs, etc. Compilation-time analysis done for JavaScript code ensures that only these types can be used with various DOM APIs that can be used as DOM-based XSS sinks (el.innerHTML, location.href, ScriptElement.src and so on). These types do not obliterate DOM XSS in themselves, as authors may still create an instance of a type with an untrusted value. Instead, it simplifies the security analysis of the application - security reviewers don't need to deeply understand and review each and every usage of a given sink, but can instead focus their efforts on the code that generates the typed objects. As long as these "trusted" types are always generated by safe templating libraries, sanitizers, constants, and so on, developers can have a high degree of confidence that the risk of DOM-based XSS remains low.

Google's internal implementation has a number of bells and whistles (and makes a number of assumptions about requirements) that probably aren't suitable for the world at large. It would be interesting to explore how we might extract some more generic version of this concept from those internal tools in order to bring this kind of functionality to the web in a generic fashion. For example, different applications might have different opinions about what makes a particular HTML snippet "safe", but regardless of the definition, it seems clear that the browser is well-positioned to enforce type constraints dynamically at runtime. That would be a substantial improvement over the tight link between the type system and the compiler.

A Possible Approach

While we could jam all sorts of sanitization functionality into such a system, it seems reasonable to start small until we know how existing templating systems and sanitizers will layer any primitives we introduce into their existing systems. The following three-pronged approach seems compelling as a first step:

  1. Introduce a number of types that correspond to the XSS sinks we wish to protect. For example, we could define a TrustedHTML object that would automatically escape interesting characters, making it suitable for injection via innerHTML.

    These types should be pretty minimal in nature, making them polyfillable in browsers that don't support them natively.

  2. Enumerate all the XSS sinks we wish to protect, and overload each of them with a variant that accepts a safe type. For example, Element.innerHTML's setter could accept (DOMString or TrustedHTML), and we could overload document.write(DOMString) with document.write(TrustedHTML).

    As above, this mechanism should be polyfillable; the polyfilled types could define stringifiers which would enable them to be automatically cast into strings when called on existing setters.

  3. Introduce a mechanism for disabling the raw string version of each of the sinks identified above. For example, something like a theoretical Content-Security-Policy: require-trusted-types header could cause the innerHTML setter to throw a TypeError if a raw string was passed in.

    This is a little more difficult to polyfill, but should be possible for many (all?) setters and methods that aren't marked as [Unforgeable].

Trusted Types

  • TrustedHTML: This type would be used to represent a trusted snippet that could be passed into an HTML context.

    interface TrustedHTML {
      static TrustedHTML escape(DOMString html);
      static TrustedHTML unsafelyCreate(DOMString html);
    • The static escape method would produce a TrustedHTML object that neutered the string provided by entity-encoding all instances of &, <, >, ", and '.

    • The static unsafelyCreate method would produce a TrustedHTML object that accepted the provided string as-is.

  • TrustedURL: This type would be used to represent a trusted URL that could be used to load non-scripting resources or navigate a frame.

    interface TrustedURL {
      static TrustedURL sanitize(DOMString url);
      static TrustedURL unsafelyCreate(DOMString url);
    • The static sanitize method would produce a TrustedURL object that would resolve the given string against the document's base URL, and ensure that result was a valid URL, and that it had an http or https scheme (blocking things like javascript: or external protocol handlers). String that didn't make the cut would be replaced with about:invalid.

    • The static unsafelyCreate method would produce a TrustedURL object that accepted the provided string as-is, producing a URL by resolving the given string against the document's base URL.

  • TrustedScriptURL: This type would be used to represent a URL that could be used to load resources that may result in script execution in the current document.

    interface TrustedScriptURL {
      static TrustedScriptURL unsafelyCreate(DOMString url);
    • The static unsafelyCreate method would produce a TrustedScriptURL object that accepted the provided string as-is, producing a URL by resolving the given string against the document's base URL.
  • TrustedTODO: TODO(koto@)

DOM Sinks

  • HTML Contexts: Given something like typedef (DOMString or TrustedHTML) HTMLString, we'd poke at a number of methods and attribute setters to accept the new type:

    partial interface Element {
        attribute HTMLString innerHTML;
        attribute HTMLString outerHTML;
        void insertAdjacentHTML(DOMString position, HTMLString text);
    partial interface Document {
        void write(HTMLString text);
        void writeln(HTMLString text);
    partial interface DOMParser {
        Document parseFromString(HTMLString str, SupportedType type);
    partial interface Range {
        DocumentFragment createContextualFragment(HTMLString fragment);
    partial interface HTMLIFrameElement {
         DOMString srcdoc;
  • URL Contexts: Given something like typedef (USVString or TrustedURL) URLString, we'd poke at a number of methods and attribute setters to accept the new type:

    partial interface Location {
        stringifier attribute URLString href;
        void assign(URLString url);
        void replace(URLString url);
        // (These aren't `URLString`, but they should be something)
        DOMString pathname;
        DOMString search;
    // A few element types go here. `HTMLBaseElement`, `HTMLLinkElement` 
    // `HTMLHyperlinkElementUtils` from a quick skim through HTML.
    partial interface HTMLXXXElement : HTMLElement {
        attribute URLString href;
    // A few element types go here. `HTMLSourceElement`, `HTMLImageElement`,
    // `HTMLIFrameElement`, `HTMLTrackElement`, `HTMLMediaElement`, 
    // `HTMLInputElement`,  `HTMLFrameElement`
    // from a quick skim through HTML.
    // The same applies to their SVG variants.
    partial interface HTMLXXXElement : HTMLElement {
        attribute URLString src;
        attribute URLString srcset; // Only `HTMLSourceElement` and `HTMLImageElement`
    partial interface HTMLObjectElement : HTMLElement {
        attribute URLString data;
        attribute URLString codebase;
    partial interface Document {
        attribute URLString location;
    partial interface Window {
        attribute URLString location;
        void open(URLString location);
  • Script URL Context: Given something like typedef (USVString or TrustedScriptURL) ScriptURLString, we'd poke at a number of methods and attribute setters to accept the new type:

    partial interface WorkerGlobalScope {
        void importScripts(ScriptURLString... urls);
    // A few element types go here. `HTMLEmbedElement`, `HTMLScriptElement`
    // from a quick skim through HTML.
    // The same applies to their SVG variants.
    partial interface HTMLXXXElement : HTMLElement {
        attribute ScriptURLString src;

    TODO(slekies) - sinks enumeration.

  • JavaScript Contexts: Replace DOMString in the following with something reasonable.

    partial interface Window {
        void eval(DOMString code);
        void setTimeout(DOMString code, int timeout);
        void setInterval(DOMString code, int timeout);
    partial interface HTMLScriptElement : HTMLElement {
        attribute DOMString innerText;
        attribute DOMString text;
        attribute DOMString textContent;

Open Questions

  1. Sebastian doesn't like Content-Security-Policy, so maybe we should spell the flag in #3 above differently. He proposed Disable-Unsafe-APIs: True.

  2. Artur and Koto suggest that we'll need something more granular than the global flag, however we spell it, in order to deal with piecemeal migrations.

  3. Define more types. Figure out how to treat iframe.src.

  4. Document more sinks.


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