These modifications will allow you to use the Decred cgminer v0.0.5 with a ztex-1.15y fpga (currently gets about 1GH/s). Also, support has been added for simple serial FPGA boards such as the BeMicroCVA9 ( or any other single chip FPGA using serial comms ).
Below are the steps I used to get the miner running on my Raspberry Pi.
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev libusb-1.0-0 libcurl4-openssl-dev libncurses5-dev libudev-dev screen libtool automake pkg-config libjansson-dev
- git clone
- cd cgminer
- sudo ./
- sudo ./configure --disable-adl --enable-icarus
- copy .c and .h files to cgminer directory
- copy .bit & .bin to cgminer\bitstreams
- make
To run the Miner (ZTEX)
sudo ./cgminer --disable-gpu --blake256 -o < url:port > -u < username > -p < password > --ztex-clock 116:116 --scan-time 6 --queue 4
To run the Miner (Serial FPGA)
sudo ./cgminer --disable-gpu --blake256 -o < url:port > -u < username > -p < password > -S /dev/ttyUSB0 --scan-time 6 --queue 4
Note: This miner only works on Getwork pools. It does not have the Stratum logic incorporated yet.
BTC: 14QcqFWZ9Y1j1aUHeUNySoMr4t9ZWJYt2a
DCR: Dsj6WcnPYDPxDr99pQkTKeFsfh55KBJS2jY