Estimate number of red blood cells in given image using openCV. Quickly go through the process using GUI tkinter app. Easily change estimation parameters in the app.
- openCV
- numpy
- tkinter
- customtkinter
Click on the "choose an image to analyze" button
Then choose a file and open it and click on the "Proceed with chosen image" button
In the next window you have to click and drag on the image
to create rectangle boxing background of the image
There should not be any cells in the rectangle
You should also try to create biggest rectangle possible
Incorrect rectangle
Correct rectangle
Above the image you can see the estimation of the number of red blood cells
Sliders allow you to change the parameters of the estimation
Different contour colors indicate different number of cells in a cluster
You can see partial images by using buttons numbered 0-7
Counting algorithm and partial images explained in
Partial image 1 ( white blood cells removed )
To choose correct parameters look at image 6
It is the last step and should give most insight
Incorrect parameters
Correct parameters
Area of one blood cell depends on the resolution of images
Change self.AreaOfOneBlood cell if things dont work right
You can also change the counting logic