This script is used to load, preprocess and analyse NIRS spectra.
The script expects the following directory structure (set dir_csvdata and conf_name in script based on these):
- dir_csvdata
- sample_type_1
- nameconf_name.csv (Ex: omega_3Default_294267_20180130_184638.csv)
- nameconf_name.csv (Ex: omega_3Default_294268_20180130_184704.csv)
- sample_type_2
- ...
- sample_type_n
- sample_type_1
The script expects the .csv files to use the format shown in the figure.
int_configrows_remove variable in the script is set to 22 as seen from orange box.
int_nwavelengths is set based on the scan resolution (number of wavelengths).
The wavelength column should always be the first, followed by absorbance (seen in red box).